I understand being frustrated but damn, I'm trying to help. 3Speak is a platform with a lot of excitement around it. With prices being the way they are barely anyone is "getting paid" except for the people that go out of their way to add value to the platform and not just take from it.
Since Ive been here (3 years in January) the people that are here for the community are the ones getting "money for their content". Ironically, they don't normally cash it out because they believe in the platform.
I see you keep posting so I figured you might have more success being part of the 3speak community.
Um... Okay?
yes show me the money for my content
I understand being frustrated but damn, I'm trying to help. 3Speak is a platform with a lot of excitement around it. With prices being the way they are barely anyone is "getting paid" except for the people that go out of their way to add value to the platform and not just take from it.
Since Ive been here (3 years in January) the people that are here for the community are the ones getting "money for their content". Ironically, they don't normally cash it out because they believe in the platform.
I see you keep posting so I figured you might have more success being part of the 3speak community.
Good luck regardless.
Thanks for the info :)