just stop it
My Gear:
Canon 77D Camera
Canon 10-18mm F4.5-5.6 IS Lens
Canon 50mm f1.8 STM Lens
Canon 24mm F2.8 STM Lens
Huawei Y7 2018
Gitup Git2 Action Cam
SIRUI 3T- 35R Tripod
Joby Gorilla Pod
Rode Video Micro Mic
Blue Yeti Mic
SIRUI T2205X Tripod
XBox One Controller
Manfrotto 190GO Tripod
Manfrotto MVH500AH Fluid Head
All images and text published in this post are my original work. Please Use your own original content.If you want to use some of my content please don't hesitate to contact me and i'll do the best to help you out.
▶️ DTube
Very true.
I have been critical of the people that started the #engagetogrow initiative because I knew it would create a bunch of fake commenters that don't actually care about the videos. I stated this very explicitly in that popular video I made in the past. Even now, to be honest, I don't like #zap or #zapp either. I never use them. I find the use of #zap especially insulting. I have seen people write long comments that seem very thoughtful and then end it off with "#zap" which basically translates to "don't talk to me." I know people like Nathan are on here all day watching videos and reading comments and what not so I understand where he is coming from. It would be far too troublesome to have to have long conversations with everyone. #zap comments may be suitable for him but for the average user, I don't see why you would leave a genuine comment on a video and then put #zap to say that you don't want further engagement with this person.
But there is a positive side to these initiatives. Since this a small community, I do think that it is helpful to write more comments on here than you would write on YouTube or something. I am like you, I rarely ever comment on YouTube videos; heck I barely ever Like videos even if they are really good. I don't know why. Since this community is so small, having so many videos with barely any comments makes this place look like a ghost town. I never write fake comments here, but when I do write a comment, I make sure it isn't some lukewarm automated sounding comment. I do think people appreciate it and I write them because I want to.
We're still figuring things out and it is good that these issues are brought up.
Ergh... I did not know that #zap meant you did not want further engagement. I only make comments for the purpose of getting more engagement. So I guess I should be #zapp ing instead?
Personally speaking, I don't use either. If you want, you can use #zapp because at least it gives a hint to the person that you will be back.
#zap is moreso meant to lesson the burden on the author of the post so they dont NEED to reply, it doesnt mean they dont want you to talk to them :>
#zapp means the person actively is looking for feedback from the author and expects it.
I write #zap because I dont want the author to think they HAVE to reply to me, that is the intent.
Posted using Partiko Android
The background noise is crazy!
Anyway, in the defense of those faking it, I think everyone is working an angle. Let's me be honest most of the people here won't make it on YouTube or any other platform. This is a relatively small platform and has a community approach to it. We support each other even if we don't care about what we do. Comparing dtube to YouTube is really not fair in the sense that there are different metrics of weighing a quality video here on dtube and YouTube. On YouTube you get to see views. You don't get paid, that's if you dont have that many people watching your videos, so the only compensation you get is seeing the number of people who view your post, which can be depressing if you're not getting those views, and some comment. YouTube runs an attention economic. Here on dtube it's different, its more about earning steem than anything else. If I have to fake engagement to earn my coins, so be it! Really we can't pick or choose here. What drives dtube is the earning prospects and one can only do that by creating content or commenting on one.
I fake engagement. I'm not shamed of it, its really not as disgusting as you think. This is a relatively small community and its hard getting feedback--every content creator needs feedback. That's the only positive reinforcement for one to stay motivated. Yes I see some videos I don't like but if the said person is really putting in effort I will definitely leave a comment.
Addressing the link777 project. One of the requirements is that you leave three comments. Sometimes it's hard finding 3 worthy posts. But dtube needs this engagement. We do not have that much quality like YouTube. It will take time to achieve that, but here we are conscious about our growth and if we do need to force engagement for the betterment of this platform I see no problem with that.
You might not care so much about earning because you're quite comfortable. However most people who use this app are really in need of those insignificant coins. Understand their position. That doesn't mean you should compromise your stands but at the same time it will give you a boarder picture of the state of dtube and steem
First of all sorry for the background noise..
I really don't understand this mindset of supporting each other without caring about the content itself.
What's the point then of creating content if no one gives a damn about it?!
i'll just film ants walking on the road everyday and i'll also self comment on my content, Because hey STEEM coin is what matters..
What's the difference of a quality video on YouTube and DTube ?!
It's the same thing, If you make a video that provides high value to the viewer then it considers a high quality video on any platform.
The only difference between DTube and YouTube is the payment system..
On Steemit you get money not only for creating content, But also on engaging with the community. But it doesn't mean that you can MILK the system and fake comment on other peoples content to get some STEEM. At least that's my opinion..
If you're not getting feedback for your content then you're not working hard enough for that feedback.
Trust me if you'll create high value content, People would come and comment without even thinking about earning STEEM..
What do you mean i'm quite comfortable ?
I'm a creator just like yourself..
Posted using Partiko Android
I do not agree totally. We do not have the numbers or diversity to actually have our contents appreciated here. For example my dtube experience. Any video I make that @nathanmars doesn't resteem not get comments. I've been on steem for 5months and I will honestly tell you that I earn more from lazy work than actually hard creative work. I'm a storyteller and poet, people don't care much about these things here. In fact, if you're not talking about steem most times, it's hard to get any attention here. So really its just about understanding how here works. My believe is that as the wealth of steem is distributed more equally we will begin to see more quality as people won't have to lick arses to earn.
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Sadly this is how things work here. I've seen some very cringe worthy upvoted by dtube account. So the question of quality or caring about the things we post here is really dicey. Some people are going to get upvoted no matter what they do on here and we cannot change this.
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The only way around this is having more quality people joining this platform, an equitable distribution of Steem's wealth so power is not centralised. If we all had 1m sp to upvote we won't depend on dtube central account to reward us. We will do what we want, upvote what we like, and downvote what we do not like. We will all have the power to determine the fate of this platform, which is impossible giving the way things are.
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The difference is here quality doesn't matter if you dont have huge sp or following does with huge sp. Look at our trending page, does it look like quality? Go to YouTube and see the videos that are trending, its a totally different game.
Posted using Partiko Android
DTube will never be like Youtube if people are engaging for money... The Steem was built to reward you FAIRLY, not to milk the inflation
Dtube will never be like YouTube because it is not designed like dtube.
And if I may add, we are all making the reward pool. You videos dont get to earn a spot on the trending or top section because of quality but the upvote you get from dtube central account. Minus that and more than 90% of dtubers wont exist. If we should follow YouTube model then we will need to implement the views feature--where you get to see the number of people who watch your video and that will determine what you earn on this platform, how would you like that? If that was the case then most of us will earn nothing.
Posted using Partiko Android
Dtube will never be like YouTube because it is not designed like dtube.
And if I may add, we are all making the reward pool. You videos dont get to earn a spot on the trending or top section because of quality but the upvote you get from dtube central account. Minus that and more than 90% of dtubers wont exist. If we should follow YouTube model then we will need to implement the views feature--where you get to see the number of people who watch your video and that will determine what you earn on this platform, how would you like that? If that was the case then most of us will earn nothing.
I will throw more like on this in my next video today...
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Hey man, whats up? Yeah, I totally agree. From my short experience here - a week or something? I can see that there is not much talkative people here at all, really engaged. I came from YT because this shit pissed me fucking off like hell by deleting my stuff, so yeah. But on YT if you are going to post comment under a vid of a creator who has just damn 1 sub, no likes, he is going to reply, you can get into the conversation and stuff. And this is all natural, people are kind of open. Here I can see vids has a lot of likes but no comments at all. It feels like this place lacks the spirit of engagement. IMO engagement today is somewhat harder to achieve than money. And this is fucked up. Humanity is dying.
I had to talk with the creator of that project and he told me that he will make them to stop doing that. I was contacting everyone in discord to not add tags in my comments, and I even asked the creator of the project to not resteem me. Thanks god he understand now and he will not resteem people anymore and he promise to tell them to not use tags anymore. I hope they will stop doing that. We didn't have such issue before on dtube. People think that spam will lead them somewhere. In fact it just pushes away people from the platform but not make them so active on it. Imagine we will have people coming from youtube who are use to delete comments they don't like or even not approve them and they will see this here, I don't think they will stay. Creators need to not be distracted by such things to create better content.
I'm so unbelievably confused by the whole thing in dtube now. I create content on 3 blogs, food on one, exercise on the other, and everything else on the 3rd. I get great engagement on my posts on STEEM - in dtube it's crickets - not to mention very low votes compared to out on steem. I have 500 videos on my yt channel and I committed to trying dtube for 90 days. I hope for better results than I am currently getting for the huge effort it takes.
I'm talking alt-health for the most part and approve every single comment on yt. I do not want the trolls. I do not have to worry on dtube since no one comments there anyway.
Yes maybe you'll make some STEEM's but it won't make you stay on the platform and actually appreciate the creators in the long run..100% agree with you @clixmoney, Spam wouldn't lead you anywhere in the long run.
There will always be people like that :) I mean....we can change the system itself, but people have to change their thinking first. That's the main problem
Its really something annoying! Bit actually its easy to detect those fake engagers and i tend to answer them super short and upvote valuable feedback, this drives the real engagement comments to the top of the comment section.
Posted using Partiko Android
That's how i deal with this problem, But still annoying though..
100% agree. Disingenuous in my opinion. I notice people do it on my videos, they ask questions as if they only watched enough of the video for them to leave a comment. Agreed, most people on Youtube do not comment unless they genuinely have something to say. They also don't like or share videos unless it truly matters to them. I've been watching a lot of popular Youtubers lately (studying their practices) and noticed avideo may have 4 million views with only 25K likes. That is OK!!! Engagement should only happen when it is genuine otherwise you are just a FAKE. Good video man.
@romafedorov, I think STEEM Blockchain is beautiful, because you have the freedom to do almost whatever you want. So, if someone tries to make money by commenting, even if it is fake comments, let them do it, because such are the rules on STEEM Blockchain: «you can do whatever you want». Some people are here just, because of the monetary aspect of the platform. I think this is Ok, and we need these people. If we try to prohibit something then ... in a long run it (restrictions) will ruin the Steem Blockchain. Ok, this my point if view.
Btw, did you record this video by action camera or smartphone?
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you for sharing your opinion!
I recorded this video with my DSLR, The Canon 77D :)
Posted using Partiko Android
@romafedorov, thank you.
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When I post a comment, I tend to put a lot of thought into it. Does it agree with the person? If I am disagreeing with the person, can I convince them where they are wrong in a polite way, or do I just not comment at all? Do I put a smile on their face, or make them laugh? If yes, then I most definitely will comment.
I am very wary of various projects here, but mostly I just do my own thing.
You need to see the thing from another angle. When the platform will grow thing will improve and change.
Which project spam with fake comment?
Posted using Partiko Android
What kind of angle is that ?
Milking the system to get some STEEM coins without caring about the content ?
I really hope it'll change in the future, Because if it won't change. I don't think that we'll ever have high quality content creators here...
No project is spamming with fake comments, Some people just use the idea of these projects as an excuse to fake comment and earn some coins..
I see high quality creators daily. Even I try to do that. Bur everyone has his own view on what HQ content is. On the other side, we all know what low quality content looks like and most of us don't care about them. There are some servers, that upvote only hq contents, and try to make some fair line. Because steem is decentralised, system can change pretty quickly. Even the problem you mentioned in video, can be solved, but there has to be be enough interest.
The perception of content is different from every user and the steem blockchain offer it with many dapps out there!
We are in "new" stomping grounds as DTube has the benefit of getting rewarded for even comments unlike YT or Insta, where you are giving your "two cents" as you want to contribute/express your opinion. It quite annoying to get the fake comments too as ever since we started doing some Znap videos we had a few unknown engagers (that never engaged with our content before), but probably they did it for a $0.09 upvote or whatever. That's quite a bit, a $0.01 is more than enough or a 0% upvote where it acts like a 'Like' on other social media platforms. Then maybe, just maybe, real engagement will come through. Who knows?!
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Truth is that I've always left comments on you posts because I think you're a brilliant content creator and I love your works, I don't comment on any post if I don't enjoy it and I don't Care if I don't comment on many posts, but the truth the ones I comment on I definitely love them, but I feel your concern and I share your sentiment
Thank you for appreciating my content, Means a lot to me!
I kinda agree and I kinda disagree.
On the point of comparing dtube to YouTube and Instagram - @nonsowrites summarized it pretty good. The Numbers of people on there viewing content every day is not something you can compare dtube to. Even on YouTube, the comparison of comments to views makes a very small ratio. Most people do not comment. If we had the same volume, we wouldnt need these engagement programs and initiatives because the math would sort it out.
Maybe some people dont care if they get comments or not, and that's fine. I envy the ability to feel validated without anyone letting you know If they actually watched your video or just upvoted you because they are following you and doing their daily curating, but for other creators and myself, I want to actually make friends and make connections and know someone put down the effort to actually view what I made in all of its cringey glory.
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In that sense, maybe its unnecessary for you, but its 100% necessary for dtubers like me, and I think dismissing it because some people milk it (which people do with literally anything including but not limited to life insurance, grocery store loyalty programs, and sponsorships) is unfair to the people who might actually benefit.
I get it that its annoying and it's sometimes cringey and dorky, but if it makes the people involved feel worth it and makes newcomers looking in think this place is alive and buzzling, I think the pros outweigh the annoying cons.
Let me know anyway if you strongly disagree, maybe I am missing some mathematics in terms of the rewards pool or something that is actually statistically detrimental xD
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@romafedorov, I think STEEM blo
Posted using Partiko Android
This is actually why I left Steemit 1.5 yrs ago!
I hear you, I stayed cause I was making money.
that I needed for living, and for that I'd be forever grateful for this platform :)
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