Yes, I am still with my pyjama. No, I am not living my life in pyjama. And yes, I've slept with my Steemit T-shirt.
Today is a very good good day. And you know what's better ? I will enjoy the STEEM at 6$ with my Steem Friend @fukako who is in Belgium for few days !
Steem is not only about money and blogging. It's also about friendship and community.
Many Love,
▶️ DTube
steemit is based on great idea and is one of the most interesting blockchain based project actually.... The price will go much higher... Because of many reasons like: market hype, new features, limited supply of tokens and more....
Fingers Crossed for the price :D
How are u there?
😜😜😜@roxane steemit at 8 dollars 🚀🚀🚀
hello roxane merci pour cette energie que tu donnes aux steem addict FR, je te souhaite mes meilleurs voeux pour 2018. je ne retrouve pas un article que tu avais publié, comment bien convertir ses steem dollars en steem ?
il me semble qu il y a une facon de faire
aurai tu le lien ? merci d avance
Salut Joe, à mon avis tu cherche ceci : :-)
merci bcp
:-) Il est fort mon amoureux ;-) Plus rapide que moi :D
Tu as tout ce qu'il te faut @joebetman ???
oui parfait @roxane vous etes au top comme d'hab ;) Merci
Wait until next year and we see it 3-5x :-D
ARGH :D Really ? OMG ........ OMG... OMG ... :D :D :D
Steem on sister!! ✌️❤️✊️Don’t worry @roxane, you are adorable either way!! You make me smile with your beautiful realness, very captivating & addictive too!!
@d-vine You are so sweet! Thank you !!
Dito @roxane!! Dito!! <3
It's SO DAMN EXCITING! Thanks for making some of your videos in English. You're a cool chick 🤘🏼
Oh you are so sweet :-) I will do more and more video in english by the way ;) I need to practice!
Looking forward to them! Your 6 apps for Steem you use was also a very useful video. Thanks again 😀
I will take you by your word ... saving this demand in my forehead until we meet the next time ;-) Can't wait to meet you next time by the way ! :)
LOL that was my face this morning, too! 😄
I can imagine yes :D :D :D When do you leave to the warm country sweety ???
That iexpression says it all :-)
I sent a new French speaking friend your way, hope you found each other.
@whatamidoing great to send french people here around :) we need more ! By the way, sent him/her this website : :) Very usefull !
absolutely 1000% about friends and community but $6 feels pretty sweet too right? :)
:D It sayyyyyys Steem to the mooooooon (and beyond) (and sorry for all who didn't join ) !!
Coucou Roxane, ton travail est juste magnifique juste comme toi!
j'aimerais enormément apprendre de toi les techniques pour réussir sur steemit, j'avais pensé à poster des videos sur Youtube, mais j'hésite encore..
Merci de me donner un PUSH, i really need it!
Much love Roxane,
@imda7thson Oh ce commentaire est tellement gentil..... MERCI et courage !!! :)
C est de ouf !!
Plus que ça : ouf de chez ouf !!!! :D
Entre temps - a 7 !! Un kiff de voirs tous nos postes augmenter !!
Ps : tu ne me repond plus sur discord 😢
Un grand merci pour ton travail @roxane, tu es d'une grande aide dans cette communauté.
Bon courage à toi
@cryptotradingfr hello merci bcp pour ces gentilles paroles :-) a bientôt !!!
Yet this the most wonderful reality."
Sky is the limit! :)
Oh so sweet :D
This is worth waiting my friend! Cheers to all of us...happy $6 and up steem!!!
And let's wait more :D
And that's a beautiful reason why I've stuck by your blog falling in love with all the contents
@josediccus really ? :-)
Really really, you have amazing contents and a touch of humor lol
Que de bonnes nouvelles accompagnent ce novel an
Ha fond :D
C'était pas loin des $7 quand je me suis levé, j en pouvais plus haha
Ah c’est donc pour ça qu’il y a eu autant d’articles pubiés ce matin ! 😄
ha hahaha tout le monde a eu la même idée :D
nice post dear, @roxane! i am wishing you a prosperous new year.
You too !! Thanks !
you're welcome.
I see how stunned you are for real.
But let's remember what happend a few days ago ,steem got to 4,33 and next days it went down to 2,25 . We are all excited to see such a value on the market but lets hope it stays that way . In this context on the market things are fluctuating overnight fast and not always in our favor.
I think same you. :) I met a lot of steemers in this system. Nice to meet you friend..
Nice to meet you too !
Thank you. !
Nice post! Thanks for sharing your waooooo message. If you forgot to wear your pynjamars, instead you wore steemit tee-shirt to bed, it means you loves steemit. I follow and upvote you.
I loves steemit yes ;-) And I don't have a pyjama. So now, I have one :D
Well, what a great day. Happy new year to you @roxane :-)
Thank for this post @roxane
Yes for me was also a BIG SURPRISE. Yeeeaaahhh!! congratulations to all steemians :)
I think 2018 will be a great year for steemit for sure!!
I continued with the analysis about the reward system, I just published a new part telling about how to optimize your upvote, if you want to check out.
Wake up hahah :D

Furthermore, that is an excellent motivation behind why I've stuck by your blog going gaga for every one of the substance..
Upvoted and resteemed
HAHAH thanks ! :)
Roxane, STEEM is making everyone sleepless! I better stay calm and watch the great move!
Yes... maybe you are right.... :)
Yes... maybe you are right.... :)