
Again ?? How many times has al-Baghdadi been killed now ? I've lost count..

Anyone suspect that Elliott Shimone is laughing it up right now back in Israel ??

Let me see?? Killed during operation? Detonated Suicide vest during operation? I guess the correct way to say it would be "He died during the operation", maybe?
To date we have a video of a Navy Seal shooting an UNARMED shadowy person (no positive ID ever happened as "Bin Laden" was buried at sea.
Now we have a wannabe prez stating "we killed him" and we did it by his own hands detonating a suicide vest he happened to be wearing. Again, no positive ID since he BLEW HIMSELF UP!
Does ANYONE ELSE see a pattern here? THIS is pure propaganda solely to make somebody look better!

Trump is terrorism of the worst kind!

The worse terrorist was living a luxurious happy life under Erdogan's protection:

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Something about this doesn’t add up. Why would al-Baghdadi have been in a part of Syria not controlled by Daesh?