How to be Successful in 2018 - Something I Noticed at the Gym Today

in #dtube7 years ago

This past week here in Chicago has been brutally cold. It's been -10 even -15 degrees and that's even without the wind chill where they say it actually feels like -30 or -40 so I was kind of surprised when I pulled up to the gym and saw the parking lot packed and all the machines full.

Just a few weeks back the gym had been empty. All the sudden it hit me, it's January 3, everyone is out tackling their New Year's Resolutions. That said without a doubt give it 3 weeks, maybe a month and the gym will once again be empty.

Why is this? Because anyone can get excited and get motivated for a few days. A lot of people can get excited and motivated for a few weeks. But very few people can sustain that excitement and motivation and momentum for a long period of time, especially when they don't immediately see results as we don't with most things in life be it getting in shape or business.

This thing I noticed at the gym today is going to be what's going to make or break you. It's going to be what makes you successful in 2018. Whether your starting an Amazon Private Label, starting a consulting business, starting a Youtube channel or a dropshipping hustle, can you sustain that effort and excitement for weeks and even months on end even when your not seeing results right away?

That's what were talking about today. Hope you enjoy the video and get out there and crush it in 2018!!!

▶️ DTube

This is so true. I usually take January off from the gym and find alternative ways to stay fit as I workout throughout the year. Most "Resolutioners" quit in waves every two weeks. Either they see no results or they see a little and think they can do the rest on their own.

Thank you for the post.

Hey @ndo-theory I was thinking the same thing maybe go for a run or walk the dogs instead, unfortunately this week it's like -15 here in Chicago so going for a run outside didn't seem like a great idea lol. I'll have to find some 15 minute circuit routine on Youtube or something and do that instead for the next couple weeks

I see your point. I was in Chicago-Midway for a layover last week and the 30 seconds on the Jetway to and from the airplane at -10 was all the freezing weather I need this winter. Living in San Francisco I'm lucky with heavy downpour being the worst we really get. There may also be an indoor sports league you can join this winter. My friends are pushing me to join a competitive Dodge-ball league that starts this week. Just a thought...

Hey Rules, just curious if you have read anything about this VICE ICO that is going to be on the STEEMIT Blockchain. Apparently its a similar version of STEEMIT but with a a porn aspect. Kinda odd but when I looked into I found it kinda ingenious.

Funny you ask, my business partner just mentioned it, I think Supoman is pushing it took. I've also heard I think @brianphobos talk about the tokenization of media and kind of other companies using Steemit blockchain for doing so. I'm definitely going to get in on the Vice ICO. Get paid to watch porn, love it lol

Yup Rules, that is why I love your channel and your personality. Anyone sitting back looking at VICE regardless of moral stuff knows this is an ingenious project. I am not even a porn guy but I know this has the potential to be a game changer, especially after how I have seen Steemit used the past 6 months. My #1 rule for investing is never let morals get in my way of making money. That includes making money off government stupidity as well as people buying drugs, booze and other things deemed socially unacceptable. Not my job to change other peoples mindset.