Well, that was a year ago and he is no longer my PA, but he certainly the perfect person at the perfect time.
I would like to tell you more about him & encourage you to follow his account, but he has chosen to protect his identity here on Steemit. Which is fair enough. Kids are wiser than us oldies it seems. God knows why I chose to use my real name as my account name!!!
In answer to your questions I am baffled by the ongoing (on and off) problems relating to DTube. They will get ironed out in time. It's still very early days for them.
Are you in the #dtube feed on Steemit chat? Lots of interesting discussion going on there.
No, not int he DTube fee at Chat, but will check in their next week for sure. Interestingly, in Netherlands some large distributors announced yesterday they will go after the d/l-ers of their materials big time, sending them fines of 100s of Euros per items downloaded/streamed. In Germany they already do that for some time, and the relative number of illegal downloads and streams is sooo much lower than eg in NL, NL is in 5th position in the world of illegal downloads, Germany apparently at the other side of the table. Will write an article about this early next week, seems appropriate for the discussion around DTube.
You are still living at the place you showed in your video?