Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we had Cynthia Wells filling in for Danilo and we were joined for the first half of the show by Nick Bernabe, the man behind and its related projects. Herein we discuss how/why Nick became inspired to start, his path to voluntaryism, selective interpretations of democracy, media propaganda, imagining the 40’s and 50’s with alcohol prohibition still in place, the Drug War, a $2000 roach, being arrested for profit, living in fear of your neighbor, the Uber-ization of everything, ending stigmatization, building a culture of encryption, living your life in anarchy, how human action is often the path of least resistance, generations of questions, the worth of a college degree when everyone has one, peaceful parenting, keeping the lines of communication open with your kids, trying to connect with an automaton, being so statist that you went to the school for law enforcement and criminal justice, how you don’t matter to the elite as long as your generating revenue, and more!
“Media, like an un-mannered master, manipulates the meek minds.” ~ Junaid e Mustafa
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Peace and Voluntaryism
▶️ DTube
that's quite a list bro
The show notes? LoL. Back when Danilo was still with the show, he had a tendency to write down almost every talking point in the notes. Very thorough, that guy. ;)