I have no intention of telling lies on DTube, but there are plenty of people who do, which is unfortunate. This was uploaded to YouTube just to test how long it would take to upload, as I am having issues with DTube. It won't upload my videos, but I can see other people from my country uploading videos so it's not my county. Other people have complained as well.
I really want to be an active part of the DTube community but these errors have got to be fixed.
I also can't log into the DTube chat.
The people I wanted to thank are here in no particular order:
@coruscate, @nathanmars, @deepsouthpiddlin, @kawaiicrush, @vylt, @mickvir, @vancientantrika, @onnovocks. I am sure there are many others that I am currently forgetting. Please check out their videos.
Thank-you for the mention :) Interesting talk above, I can't have you getting discouraged. I understand how you feel about the uploading issues. I feel it will work itself out fairly quickly. I watched your vid on youtube because I am having slow playback issues on this platform this morning. Until the last few days I haven't had any issues the entire month I have been active on here. Just slooooowwww now. But let's hang in there and I am sure they are going to fix it soon. I think I am going to focus on just video footage today and if I get an upload fine if not that's ok too. But I'll have the footage and editing to keep me busy. Less pressure more action haha, It would be nice to get a few days ahead in vids, I am rambling! buh bye!
I have seen a few people having issues also . I have not had an issue myself but it’s my understanding that if you login to Dtube using steemconnect for some reason you may have issues. Simply by logging in with your posting key should fix this issue. Let me know if you still have issues and I’ll see what I can do. Also thanks for the mention :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
I've tried all sorts of things. One of the reasons why people switched to DLive was because of the issues with DTube. The central core of DTube is to upload video, and if can't do that for ALL of it's users without having to do work arounds, then the whole point is lost.
I was trying to chase up some solutions for you and noticed you managed to get help and are able to upload now. That’s awesome. Hope you have an awesome day!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I switched to another browser. It works for now. We'll see how well it goes in the future.
I should have another video up sometime tomorrow. I don't want to spam the feed, but I want to make this into a weekly series.
We want to keep it productive, enlightening and enriching.
Keep up the great work, Shaidon.
Of course. The problem is when the ONLY viable pre-recorded video platform on Steemit isn't accessible to all users... So, the decent people are edged out, and what's left rises to the top.
Ask any question Dtube DIscord and my fellow Dtubers will be happy to assist you!
We're continuously working on improving communications with our existing users as well as improving all the aspects of making Dtube platform to be more user friendly!
Thank you being a member of our Dtube family :)
Yeah, it takes all kinds. While I have no community guideline strikes, or copyright strikes, YT once removed one of my comments as it pointed out their hypocrisy with a high degree of accuracy. (with evidence posted by others on YT)
I have not encountered anyone deliberately lying here on DTube other than plagiarism; the others were just misinformed and firmly believed what they were saying as far as I could tell. (maybe they are good liars)
There are a few things that complicate things here on DTube and Steemit. Most don't publish using their real names. That leaves us with the problem that it is sometimes impossible to prove someone said/wrote something and we are dealing with multiple jurisdictions. The flip side is that it's not possible to lay insult at an anonymous entity. I have also seen channels on Steemit/Dtube that were run by multiple people, further obfuscating who is saying what.
While I don't agree with what some are saying, I do recognize their right to say it; as repulsive as some of it gets. By classifying themselves as entertainment instead of news there no longer is the expectation of truth they will argue. Caveat emptor, "buyer beware" applies here.
For the uploads you may want to keep a separate browser. I use Chromium for nothing else but viewing and uploading DTube videos when FireFox refuses. Most of the time this works, but not always. Someone told me to clear cookies in FF every day, but that didn't work for me.
No need to lie, just be true to yourself.
Thanks for the mention Shaidon, much appreciated! Cheers!
YouTube once removed a video where I was promoting one of Google's own products in a positive light. The video has over 22K views and it's still viewed daily.
They are their own worst enemy sometimes. I often simply need YouTube. To get permission to publish I often have to send an unlisted or private link to the various parties involved; this is a feature missing from DTube. Since the material is already on YouTube it's much easier to publish once I do have the proper clearances. In this respect, DTube in it's current state, is not an efficient platform for me to use so I don't upload much anymore. I still had one more incomplete render that I started for DTube and forgot about. I uploaded it 26 days ago since it's HD (not my usual 4K), but it will likely be my last.
So what was YouTube's reason for pulling your video?
They never pulled the video, just the ads. They said it wasn't commercially viable or some crap, even though it was gaining views every day. I didn't have enough subscribers to appeal the decision.
Later they removed me from their partnership program because I didn't have 1000 subscribers and I wasn't generating 4000 hours of watch time per year. I would need to be uploading at least 5 videos a day in order to get anywhere near that level.
At least here, when DTube works, I can generate SBD (which currently isn't worth much).
When I say lies, I mean 'intentionally misinforming' people. Now, either they believe the stuff they spout or they don't. Either way, some of the crap is dangerous. If people are encouraging others to actively go out and harass innocent people in real life... that's beyond the pale. And yeah, I am against censorship to a degree.
I used Microsoft Edge, but I really shouldn't have to change browsers just to upload a video.
YouTube doesn't care and lets me upload stuff whatever browser I use.
Thanks for the shoutout! Man I have thought the same thing with all the bs going on! Can't continue!
But in many ways, it's worth continuing. If you see my next video, the thank you one, you will see that most people here are decent people, just a little misinformed. Thanks for the comment and the upvote.
Keep the info coming! We can't hold back information that is needed<3 For our sake and others ;p