This is despicable and how can we continue on living in this war-torn world? This terrible act was instigated by the terrorist puppet government the USA, and they are trying to start a war that is profitable for the ruling elite. These people care nothing about the soldiers that have to fight one another and die because they think of us as disposable and useless sheep.
I cannot believe i have to live in this world and be ruled by these people who are psychopaths and low-functioning people ruled by dark forces. My people, The Indigenous Nations, recognized a very long time ago, that we must live in peace together and not kill and fight one another, although this truth was not told by mainstream media, as they portrayed us as savages.
When will we rise up from this low life behavior and raise our consciousness and live together in a better way? How long can we continue to follow those who lead us down the road to hell?
If you are an American citizen and you support this puppet government, then you are responsible for this war mongering and killing of people. You are just as guilty of those who instigate these horrid actions. You are living with the terrorists and you must not stand by and do nothing.
Paris is standing up, Hong Kong is standing up, Chile is standing up, Iran is standing up, now it the USA's citizens turn to stand up and we must pull together and not listen and support this small group of people who are trying to conquer and divide us and make us fight and kill one another, so they can profit.
There is a better way to live together, we can have peace, it is possible, but we must grow up and understand that the way we are living together is like small children who know not what they do.
I pray for peace, love and understanding that we are all equal and Holy Beings. I'm growing very tired of this and it is very depressing.