Nice man, I'm jealous of those cone tanks! But, yes water without solids is 8lbs a gallon so definitely needs some serious reinforcement.
I've yet to have an issue with solids in my media beds, but I did have a guppy kill of in my DWC from too much anaerobic sludge. For now I just scoop it out manually and use it as a, fertilizer on my dirt plants..
Did you say BT as in the Monterey product? OMRI certified I believe? I've never really sprayed my many pests I just have a never ending war with them lol..
Now that it's fall what's the plan? Greenhouse I believe you said right? And you have tilapia correct?
Roll Tide! It makes me cringe to write that BTW
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah there are definitely multiple ways of setting up a system. This is a method that I've found to be less maintenance in comparison to the chop and flip method. Yeah check it out this product is the one I'm using to help get rid of the horn worm. I do need to hustle on the greenhouse and a solar water heater set up before winter. Otherwise I'll lose everything. Yep Blue Nile tilapia is my fish of choice. My buddy Robbie hooked me up with some. Haha thanks I know that was hard RTR!
Posted using Partiko Android