Motivate Your Mind - Your Body Will Follow

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Fitness is not about being better than someone else... It´s about being better than you used to be!

I have never been into lifting weights until last year. I did almost every kind of sports since I was 3 years old. Gymnastics, soccer, basketball, badminton, volleyball, cheerleading, dancing, I did all these activities but the gym was never my favorite. When I decided to change my lifestyle, I also wanted to tone my body and gain muscles. The only way I could make that happen was to visit the gym more than 5 times a week. When I have a goal, I give everything I have until I reach it. And this is how my addiction to lifting weights came to life... After seeing some results, I started to feel very comfortable in the gym while working for the body and health I dream of. 

I got a lot of requests what kind of workouts I do, so I thought to bring you with me. Today was leg day which means I didn´t train any part of my upper body. If you want some advices and explanations to the specific exercises, just let me know in the comments below. 

First I had no idea what exercises I should do, that´s why I studied some women on social media who train constantly since over 4 years and made their passion to their lifestyle. Now I am pretty confident in what I do but I like to switch things up and add new exercises... 

When I started to travel, I realized that it can be difficult to stay consistent because of many reasons. No gym in your area, awesome weather which invites you to stay at the beach all day long, meeting new people, good food and so on. I felt so bad during the first two weeks because I skipped the gym by reason of lack of time. That sucked so I decided after two weeks to somehow make time and go to the gym again without any excuses and I really did! We had over 32 degrees every day and I never perspired that much in my life but I went to the gym at least 5 times a week. I am very proud of myself and that motivates me even more to keep going after coming back home. 

This time I recorded the video in my local fitness club. Please don´t get irritated by the language. I live in Germany so all posters and shields are obviously in german. 

I always start my workout with a quick cardio session to warm up my muscles. Never skip the warm up before you workout! It’s so important that you gradually work your way up to more intense physical activity. Skipping this important step can make you more likely for all kinds of different injuries and ailments, and it also affects your performance and just how hard you are going to be able to push yourself during your actual workout! 

After that, I start with some simples exercises to warm up my muscles even more. Today was leg day that´s why I chose the abduction and adductions machine. This will warm up your inner thigh and butt muscles but tone them as well if you use more weights after every round. 

Now you can chose any exercise you like. Make sure you do not feel too comfortable because you want to step out of your comfort zone in order to reach your goals! Today I tried some new exercises which is always a lot of fun. I used to get tired of doing the same routines all over and switching up the exercises keep me motivated and excited during the workout! 

There are three different kinds of goals when you go to the gym. Either you want to lose weights, gain muscles or train your endurance. I decided to tone my body and gain muscles because I used to be skinny for all my life by the reason of the different kind of sports I did since I am a little child. But you need to know that gaining muscles isn´t the easiest thing for everybody. People´s bodies have so many different features. Some gain muscles easily and some don´t. Just be patient and keep doing. You will reach your goal any time soon if you stay consistent! 

Please do not overexert yourself. Try out which weights work best for you and work up your way from there. In this gif I am lifting 80 kilograms which I am going to increase in my next workout sessions. I started with 35 kilograms each site which is still a little bit too heavy if you haven´t done any sports for a while... 

Pushing heavy weights is the only way to gain muscles in a short amount of time. I tried out different protein shakes for better results but I decided to take natural  proteins instead of these artificial shakes. 

To prevent sore muscles after a strong workout session, I recommend yoga or stretching in general. Because of all the dancing, cheerleading and gymnastics I did, my routines are thought out very well and I can also share some routines to that if you are interested. 

This is the end of my workout. Sometimes I use the massage room for ten minutes to calm down and rest a little bit  before I drive home... 

The body achieves what the mind believes.

Thank you,

Love, Soldier 

▶️ DTube

What a way to stay in shape.
Mentally and physically working out, key to success.

Absulate 180 flax. That's awesome.


everyday I go to club to learn kickboxing. Trainers tried to train me this but it seems hard to me. So I always try to avoid it. But This time I think I should try it more harder

I say this all the time.... its YOU vs YOURSELF!

I vlog but haven't yet taken the camera inside the gym. Time to make that transition I think.... thanks for the inspirationBrilliant video @soldier.


Thanks, glad you like it!
I usually do not take the camera to the gym in order to stay focused but this time I wanted to show some of my favorite exercises for everyone who wants to hit the gym but has no experiences yet...

Blessings back

great video.i love it. thank you.

That's a great perspective to keep anyone motivated. Very detailed. I like that :). You push your character to the next level!

It’s funny how today I was just thinking about starting to post workout videos . I go to the gym 6 times a week and my main focus is weights to gain muscle since I was small . I try to do squats with 60 pounds and recently I bought a resistance belt , which is a killer . My fitness is motivational factor for me

Wow, didn´t know that about you. I would love to see some workout videos of you. It´s tough to go to the gym 6 times a week with a baby at home but this only shows how motivated you are!!!

amazing video @soldier practising sport is such a great thing, hope you enjoy

Awesome!! Such an inspiration!!

Fantastic post!

Great video as well as grad written part.
Your work in the gym looks good.
Great inspiration ;-)

Yal Al Rowaa Sports Hall est un professionnel et professionnel dans ce domaine

@soldier, Wow...That's pretty good instruction you gave to us how to maintain our body better with compare your experience. I agreed your points. Excellent Dtube video. It's really encouraging peoples for go to the gym. Thanks for the effort.

You're so hardworking, I wish I was like that. You are amazing!

i love D tube.

Fantastic post!

Great video as well as grad written part.
Your work in the gym looks good.

I've been trying to get motivated to get back in the gym. I needed that. THANKS!

Thanksfor sharing the post with all of us. @soldier

First of all i would like to tell that this post was very motivating from the start thanks for making this one and great word's to begin with 

Fitness is not about being better than someone else... It´s about being better than you used to be!

A workout session is really important and that too if not daily in week days alternative as its our health we have to take care of it the ultimate goal is to be better than previously of our own version which we can achieve by dedication our focus towards it 

Would not take much times of your but Thanks a ton again for sharing this Motivational post and video i really find it very useful :) 

Have a great day ahead.


loving your kind of workouts, and the hip thrust is awesome!

i was lacking the motivation but this was very inspiring time to push the limits :)

You are leading us by example living each day on the edge to achieve something thanks for sharing

Stronger than never its beautiful and motivational post thanks dear for sharing such inspiring words :)

Stay warm and stay in shape that's the motto i follow and take regular exercise not too much but always doing it
Thanks for sharing :)

you are simply awesome @soldier one of the best post's you have shared today life is all about trying hard :)

Consistency takes time and effort but if one get used to it its just like a great habit :)

to achieve it we need to work for it thanks for sharing a wonderful post :)

you are crazy. really admire your motivation though

its just like shaping ourself and mounding it into a shape takes dedication and hard work

haah the end of workout is really happens like this but that was on the end the motivation is to start and keep going :)
very helpful post

That's the inspiration everyone seek for this is very good thanks for sharing

Loved the little videos! I am in the process of getting into the gym, finding it a little difficult to fit in around 4 kiddies but I am getting there!

For me I struggle with keeping a good diet, and creating a little ‘plan’ per gym session! x

Funny post

Everybody After going to the gym for the first time..............!!