Who wants to do this full time?!
- Consistency
- Persistency
In this video, I go over some challenges of being a full time Steemian.
I mentioned in my STEEMIT IN 2018!! vlog that I wanted to be a full time vlogger and content creator on the Steem blockchain and I'm really excited to reach that level!
Is this possible? Absolutely
Is it easy? No
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
I believe that everything I desire to accomplish, will in fact be accomplished.
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▶️ DTube
New York STANDUP!!!
😁👍🏼🇩🇴 Dr love baby!
CT here, What's Up Ny? I'm new here to STEEMIT. How does one go about posting video to STEEMIT. I'm not very tech savy... thanks
Hey Welcome.
You should register on DTube, which is linked to steemit, there you can upload videos.
I hope I could help !
This is great! but I'm having issues signing up. Pls help.
I don't know what your problem is but perhaps, you don't know that you can do this:
Go to your Wallet, click on permissions and show your private Key, copy it and log in with that password.
If it isn't helping let me know.
Good LuckHello @ndiasimon.
thank you for help
it s good idea linknig DTube to steemit
Hi. You can upload videos on Dtube and they will become a post on your steemit blog.
Steemit gona change my minde more and more for blockchain decentralisation revolution
That was a nice video right on your face.
It is nice and direct though.
Good direction to be a full time steemit.
Keep on steemit.
I hope one day I will able to do it full time :)
Maybe I should also switch to VBlogging, looks like it have high success here!
Its definitely a lot more fun! Go for it!
that's so inspiring
Nice post. Thank you.
Very cool post. Feeling motivated :) upvoted and started following you so that I can keep getting great tips and motivation :)
Awesome thanks! Stay tuned!
Video didn't play for me.
all the time of day i remain at steemit hehe
I want to become a vlogger too and i followed you to get some good guidance from you. Thanks and stay blessed.
Thanks @mmasim! I think the first step is to just take a leap and try it! Thanks, hope to give you some more value soon!
Great video. It was something I was looking for. I also want to become a full time Steemian and this idea itself is so cool that it's worthy to try. It's like making one's hobby into job. I will definitely try vlogs to see where it can lead me.
You should TOTALLY do a follow up video to this!!! Great job!!!
Aye your speaking the truth bro! You were kinda of outlier when it came to starting our with huge payouts, which kinda sucks because your expectations might be a little skewed!
It take a ton of time consistently engaging with the community as well as creating content, even when you only get a few cents!
The problem with people depending on whale support, is you never know when they are going to swim away!
In my opinion I would rather have a 10 really good minnow friends, compared to a whale who might only see me as a tool for curation rewards. Eventually minnows become dolphins and it's those friends that are going to build that base for becoming a full time steemian!
You're absolutely right bro. And you know, when I first got here it didn't take me long to realize that. I knew that we were on a fast track that may or may not be sustainable!
At the end of the day, it's all about being passionate about what you do! Whales, minnows, dolphins, they all matter. Build relationships with everyone, create awesome content, and eventually either sooner or later your success will come!
Ya, I think a lot of people who come here without knowing anything about steem and how it works think, "Whoa, all these people gave this guy 300 bucks!!" They don't realize that it's so often one or two whales that gave them 90% of that payout, or even bots that they paid to upvote them. I'm really hoping there's a way for dTube to become more egalitarian. (I remember reading a post from someone thinking about making bots that upvote you when you get to a certain number of views...) I think it's going to be hard to make dTube a sustainable income for anyone without a slighty different reward system.
I went and found that post: https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@gyrosean/how-dtube-could-use-voting-bots-to-refocus-emphasis-on-views-and-scale-creator-monetization
Yeah you have a great point! Whales tend to upvote what they like though, so it's important to keep in mind that creating great content and building relationships is going to be the long term sustainable route.
It would be interesting to see DTube's take on the idea of a different payout system. I just don't think it's possible due to the nature of the blockchain.
PROMOTE MYhttps://steemit.com/steemit/@menel3d/steemit-start-mining-plan
Definjtely looking to tackle making this a suplimebtwl income streem, but always I’m doing my surname dilligence and trying to learn from those already established on steemit to make my climb as efficient as possible.
Speaking of efficiency, putting an opaque YouTube’s style play button and dtube logo upper right to imply embedded play as the thumbnail of the video is pure, unadulterated genius. Youncoukd make a video on -that- trick alone and I’d upvote it. Once people are on the dtube page, they are -going- to watch it. Genius!
Haha thanks man! Have to get that click-through rate up ya know? I'm going to add it to a list of things to go over! Thanks for stopping by!
It totally works and I am 100 percent steaming it for my dtube vids.
I'm so proud of you honey. Remember that there are highs and lows in everything in life and its how you handle is what matters most.
Hey you! Couldn't do it without you babe <3 My #1 fan! :)
It is difficult but definitely attainable with hard work and perseverance..
I will do it. I refuse to step into the 9-5 culture when there are too many opportunities to synthesize multitudes of streams of income! A person just needs a purpose. They set their eyes and if they truly want it, it's in their hand already.
You're doing awesome @spenceryan ! Keep grinding and never quit hustling SON.
Much love brother, I appreciate it! Keep up the awesome work and keep pushing through!
Im going to full time soon..
what first thing we need to do is..
sketch what is our plan..
my big mission is.
"retire at 2019,2020"
i need to plan how many, what post i need to make.
good luck to my myself and everyone.
Looking forward to seeing you do it @doqstrader!
Yes, full-time steemians is the goal!
Thank you for sharing your goal and tips to become a full-time Steemian! Wish you the best on your journey to achieve.
This video couldn't have come at a better time! I am just about to begin the journey to becoming a full time Steemian. I joined over a year ago, and posted a few articles - a couple under a different account at first. Those articles obviously didn't get much traction since I was new and I got a new job, so I stopped writing articles for the time. My brother and I recently came up with an idea for a video series and I thought I could go more in depth in article form as well... and Steemit popped back into my mind. THEN I found out about DTube and got all kinds of excited!! Now my brother has an account and we're about to fully dive in! Plus, a couple of other video series have come to mind in the past few days!
I know it's going to take hard work, consistency, and persistence... but I'm looking forward to it. The Steemit community has grown quite a bit since I last saw it, and I'm looking forward to meeting and getting to know all of you!
Thanks for the advice and I look forward to more of your content!
Comrade, your constant jump cuts gave me momentary seizure, thankfully wife was next to me to administer vodka.
Haha this comment had me rolling! Thanks!
I'm working full time in cryptocurrencies at the moment in a few different ways:
It is definitely hard to get working full time in this world, but if it is something that you're passionate about you just have to keep working at it.
It looks like you are doing extremely well so far, congratulations!
Thank you @lukebrn! It's great that you keep pushing at it! Passion will keep you going even when you are burned out!
No problem! That's the plan. Not doing amazing on Steemit yet, but it's going well and I'm happy to keep sharing my content!
How did you get started with ICO consulting?
I've worked in marketing for a good while, as well as founding startups. Coupled with my interest in technology, I decided to move in to this space after being approached by some people. Happy to talk more over on Steemit chat or discord if you are interested.
hey buddy you know this job :)
Yes, motivation is what gets you started.habit is what keeps you going...
That's very true. And passion. If you have passion, you can succeed at anything!
Thank you this was valuable insight into how this community operates. Best!!
I'm planning to do this full time too and see the end result this year. I think this year will be awesome year for cryptocurrency.
This year will definitely be one for the books!
Solid tips my dude! Currently sorting things out so i can bring more content more consistently to the platform! My take on steem is to just post as you would regularly, don't necessary get to caught up in the fact that we actually do have that potential to get paid, and most of all, have fun and put out value, engage and build connections with others, just like your doing my bro. Keeping it 100%! Love it!
You're exactly right though! Forget the money aspect and do it with passion! Can't wait to see you go even harder man!
Nice post. I just up-voted u.
Thanks for sharing.
Just resteem your post.
I love your vlogging .
Thank you @qami!
excelent vlog
It's definitely something which I would love to do full-time . For some reason, I just can't vlog, limited to only writing blogs. But at the same time am also scared to do it full-time. Like you said, it's possible but definitely not easy :D
Try giving vlogs a shot! I know it can be intimidating, but it's really fun!
raises hand
I’m with you on the full time train man. Best tof luck to you in that goal! Obviously there’s a hell of a lot of work to be put in, time to be spent and rewards to be enjoyed, but it’s all worth it and it’ll be a fun and incredible experience.
Loving keeping up with your stuff, it’s keeping me pushing for the Steem life haha.
thanks so much brother! Honestly, it is a lot of work but it's not really work if you love what you do right? Keep on at it @tim.clarke!
Hey @spenceryan, thank you for sharing with us another video of enormous value!! I'm very intrigued by your 1st Challenge - the risk of relying on SBD as a primary source of income. Because SBD fluctuates easily during the 7-days rewards payout duration, our income in USD might be vastly different too. Since this is the case, what do you reckon users who rely on the Steem Income like yourself and myself to do? Do we go 100% SP instead of splitting it up between SP and SBD?
Well, while SBD is high definitely go 50/50, because even if you want to power up 100% you can get more steem if SBD is higher. Ultimately, it's just a matter of having a backup until you're consistently getting paid a decent payout!
Alright @spenceryan, thanks for the head ups!! Will bear that in mind for future posts :)
I don't know how I can be so late on this DTube thing... Meh, I just came in November and didn't spend that much time on STEEM. But god this is awesome. Good Video here and I totally agree with you.
But don't you think it is easier today to start as a full time Steemian on DTube, than start full time on YouTube?
Thanks again for the video and have a good one!
Damn bro if you're making $400/video I would say you're well on your way to becoming a full time Steemian.
What would you say is the secret to your success?
This was great, just followed you. Good luck in your journey
Thank you @kv151!
I want to work full time but I face some problems.
Keep your head up man, you will get there! @mominsdt1
Spot on! Totally Agree. Building a strong tribe of people is the best way! Keep creating, pumped to see more
Exactly man, and I've seen you doing this day in and day out! Can't wait to see where you go with this man!
Agree with everything you said. Life is all about relationships. Foster great relationships and the rest will work itself out. Steem On bro!
That's exactly right @captainbob! By the way you are doing great man! Keep up the awesome work!
Hell ya, I hope many people can become full timers on this site! Next few years will tell and I think it will look really good!
Excited to see some more of your content on here as well.I'm ready to see it happen bro, excited to see where everyone goes with this! @brianturner
Yep really excited what the future of this platform will bring and how everything develops
This is a must see video for anyone wanting to be a part of steemit! Thank You for sharing it.
Thanks for that @daviddivergent!
i really wanted
Wow 438$? :o
I would be happy if some of my videos would get even 10$ xD
But I don´t really know how this system works :D
Maybe I will find it out but if some people like what I do it is still nice. :)
My goal is to become a full time steemian as well. I post analysis on coins, here's some value to you my friend:
Hello ~ LOL
We are friends in steemit.
I am interesting in your post and I want to share with the same
Wow it sounds like you are up to meet your goal and challenge. I myself are not uploading vids yet but thank you for sharing what you are learning to become a large Blue Whale on Steemit,
I will be swimming in those steemie waters as well, big words from a plankton??
you betcha!
Great post and helpful.
Can't wait to see it happen @the.human.union!
sir. i want full time job..
Appreciate the guidance! I hope to work on a project or two with you in the future. I am going to start a Physical Steem center in Africa this year and would love to have you as a guest instructor via skype sometime!
Love the honesty, and touching on this subject. Great post! Just tossing an idea out there, but I would guess that the growth of the platform would subvert your second concern. Allow me to explain. As the active user count increases, and voting power distributed and invested in, like a company, your minnows today, are your dolphins later. If you create true followers, friends, and sponsors of sorts, which I'm sure you will, I don't think you will have to worry about the loss of whale votes now. Seem possible? Poke holes if you like, I to enjoy other perspectives to help understand things I may be in a box on. Great post, tuned in for more. Cheers