Why Money Must Not Be Your Only Dtube Motivation

in #dtube7 years ago

The reason many of us are on Steemit and Dtube is because we can make money. The problem arises when that's the only reason. People who do it for just the money will get frustrated and probably stop.
To truly enjoy this community, you must find your love for making videos, develop a heart to help others and keep doing it every day.
With time the money will come. So don't be dissuaded if you don't get upvotes at first. Just keep grinding it. Thanks for watching and please don't forget to subscribe.

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Rightlt said Kemi dear. Thus everyone looks at making a lottle here and there but the drive has to go beyond money. There's a place for passion infact anye who lacks passion for something should not venture into it they'd get frustrated along the way. Me am just enjoying myself on Steemit. Guess you are too Nd i like your dentition winks

Rightlt said Kemi dear. Thus everyone looks at making a lottle here and there but the drive has to go beyond money. There's a place for passion infact anye who lacks passion for something should not venture into it they'd get frustrated along the way. Me am just enjoying myself on Steemit. Guess you are too Nd i like your dentition winks

Another good tips there. Thanks.


Posted using Partiko Android

I happy, your video to be hot video. Right most people are money to be the main motivation, but the truth is like your opinion. The important thing is always to make a quality

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, that's cool! We definitely love to find great videos on DTube and make as much noise as we can about how great they are. This post struck a chord with us, and our community found it noteworthy. We compile and publish a list of our favorite posts on a regular basis, and just stopped by to make sure you heard the good news...you're on OneLoveDTube Video Picks of the day!

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