Hey Guys,
Today it's a very happy day for me and it's a very special one.
Well, exactly 6 months from now I hoppen onto STEEM and I've got my life changed to a very great extent.
Truly !
I made a ton of friends all around the globe
I got in touch with many honorable personalities around the globe
Got To know huge thought having people
Got to learn of a lot of new things
Got To Share my Passion upon here
Got A Billion More Things !!
I truly feel proud on myself for being joinin STEEM :)
A Big Shoutout To al The People who have influenced my journey and shaped me in the way I am at the moment !!
@clixmoney @iamjadeline @cryptospa @singhcapital @thejohalfiles @dtube @tibfox @freecrypto @prettynicevideo @kawaiicrush @hafizullah @bobaphet @blind-spot @priyanarc @nathanmars @nathanmars7 and a lot more....
A Big Thanks To EVERYONE !!
Thanks A Lot For Stoppin By :)
Meet You In The Next One !
▶️ DTube
Best of luck for your next goal.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks a lot buddy !
#STEEMNURSE was here for Sayu xoxo
ps thank you for the shout out <333
Thanks for your visit dear ;)
Awesome achievement man. It's a good feeling to reach these milestones. Im hoping to be able to say that myself before long.
Here's to more success! 👏👏👍
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks a lot mate !
Yeah, It feels awesome to achieve stuff and even greater when you get them and people are proud of you !
Yup, you're make a similar shoutout very soon ! Will keep an eye for that !
Thank you so much for mentioning me... you are doing great bro... keep up the good work and i know you will reach your goal soon.
You deserved a shoutout P ! You too have shaped a significant amount in my journey especially my brotha @blind-spot too !!
Thanks for being by my side BnP Team !
You should feel proud
In 6 months you have done plenty :)
The SteemVerse is your oyster... there is so much more to come :) Congratulations @steemersayu907
Yup, I feel proud but on achieving the proud feelings in others for me, because they are the ones who shaped SAYU ;)
Yeah, Much to Come out !!
You are amazing. There is so much material and solid stuff in you and so much instored for you here. Keep them coming and sister wish you many many more awesome sauce here as well as in your studies. Also, I am so much older than you anytime you need a big sista to talk to, you know where to find me. 😊
YOu're osm as well !!!
JAde truly you're the one who layed the initial foundations and smothened and carved me out and shaped the present me !
I am very grateful to have come across STEEM to have a sis as Jade !!!
Thanks a billion for your wishes ! Yup, I love talkin to my sista ;) Will surely knock you anytime.. hehe Be Prepared !!
Just knock. The door won't break. 😁
See you at the top.
your so amazing. such an inspiration. hope you achieve your goal
Thanks JR !
Thanks for the blessings as well buddy !
well done
Cooooolgratulations brother!
6 months and all these achievements ?! WOW :)
Steeeeeem on!
Thanks a billion Tib !
Your "Congrats" means a lot to me !!!
HEhe.. I feel I did it with negligency I could have being a bit more ahead .. hehe
But I'll keep goin on !!
Yeah ! STEEM ON !!!