Welcome to the 64th episode of the Steem Sister Show! (and the final episode for 2018)
Your hosts are @coruscate and @maryjaney. Two sisters bringing fun content to the Steem blockchain!
Topic of this Episode – New Years Resolutions
As this is the first time the Steem Sister Show has celebrated a new year together - we decided to do an episode all about New Year's Resolutions!
Here are the questions we answered this episode.
- Do you usually set New Years resolutions?
- @goldmatters - What do you think about making a resolution every month instead of once a year? Do you think it would be more effective?
- @goldmatters #2 - Have you ever regretted a resolution you've made?
- How long do you usually last with your resolutions when you make them?
- Why does depriving ourselves of something usually make us want it more?
- Are you going to set any resolutions this year? If so, what are they?
- Are you making any steem resolutions?
What is the Steem Sister Show All About?
We aim to bring more “non-crypto” related content to the Steem Blockchain. Although there is nothing wrong with this kind of content (@coruscate even posts on crypto related material sometimes) – we want to help create a better onboarding experience for new users. We talk a lot about attracting new users to the platform – but if the trending page is filled with crypto posts and flagging wars, they are likely to lose interest quickly.
We hope that by creating content that is more similar to what they are used to seeing on other social media sites – they will feel more excited about being here and creating content of their own!
How Does It Work?
We pick a different topic every episode, and then throw totally random questions about that topic in a hat and go back and forth. We always have a mix of our own questions and some audience questions. Our rule is that we cannot tell each other our answers before filming! So you guys are getting our raw, unfiltered reactions here.
Every episode we announce the next week’s topic so people can submit questions.
Want to win some Steem??
If we chose to answer your question in the next show… we will send you 2 Steem!
Next Week’s Topic (Two of them!) : Family Expectations and Relationships with our Cell Phones
Because we did a big Christmas Special earlier in the week - this is the only true episode we are posting this week, and so we are hoping to gather questions for both of them on here!
Family Expectations:
We thought this would be an interesting thing to talk about just coming out of the Holiday season. I know so many people who spend all of their vacation time from work and a ton of money they don't really have - just to travel during the holidays. (aka the most expensive time of the year). Don't get me wrong, there's nothing with this - but so many of these people say they really wish they could just stay home, but they don't want to upset family members.
That's just one example - but you get the jist. We will be chatting all about how family expectations shape our decisions, boundaries we have set etc.
Relationship with Cell Phones:
This episode idea was recently sparked by Mary's fiance having a mini intervention to tell her she's being on her phone way too much. So she's decided to try being on her phone less and it will be interesting to catch up with her and see how that has been going. There is so much to talk about here. Phone addiction, the pros and cons of being constantly connected, if we ever shut our phones off when we are trying to be productive - etc.
So send us your questions for either or both topics! If we choose to answer your question in one of our episodes next week, we will send you 2 steem.
That’s a Wrap!
We really hope you guys enjoyed this episode and we would actually love to hear if you are planning to make any New Years Resolutions. I'm even more curious to know if any of them are Steem related! Look forward to hearing from you guys and we hope you all have a wonderful New Years!

▶️ DTube
Ah.... no photo-shopped confetti at the end? I'll tell you, your CGI guy needs a good talking to.
So... I've turned all the notifications on my phone off, all of them, and it's so much better... I do miss calls occasionally, but who even calls people these days, it's so intrusive... I do get annoyed with my partner if she gets her phone out if we're out at a restaurant.. and she's slowly learning not to... she'll grab it to fact check something, and then will go down the rabbit-hole of checking messages or whatever, so I'm just sitting at the table staring around, so awks. I've been at dinners where everyone but me is on their phones, and I totally hate it...
Have you ever seen anyone on their phone do something silly?
I saw a girl walk and fall into a water art display thing - she got soaked, her phone got soaked, it was kind of amazing.
Did your family impact your careers or university course selection at all?
My partner wanted to do a full music degree, but her parents were 0% keen so she compromised with a double degree music/commerce.
Well, usually, I'll check my phone as well until I get bored then if she keep infinitely browsing on her phone I just do activities that I like by myself or I go to the restaurant with someone else. I hope this won't change when I'll get married, even if it has to break up the relationship. At some time, she has to know a little bit about data leaks, mass control by the GAFAM, ACAB, open source, linux, or I don't waste more time with her.
It's also what attracts them, she has to adapt if she wants to be the one ;)
That totally makes sense... I didn't think about that from a dating perspective.
I deliberately don't check my phone though, because you do see couples or groups all out but all on their phones and it seems kinda dodge. So, instead I just sit there as awkwardly as possible...
oooh thanks for two awesome questions! Yeah I think we will definitely end up talking about phones while at restaurants and things like that too. It's easy to get sucked down the rabit of checking notifications once you start.
It's funny because my partner tends to be the one on his phone a ton. That's another interesting angle we can talk about. :)
It got really bad for my gym buddy in Australia... her husband worked really hard, like super super hard, and so when he wasn't working he liked playing a game on his phone, which also, unfortunately included at the dinner table... even with guests. It was super awks for everyone else, so they needed a mini-intervention too, but it was hard because he kind of felt justified because he did work so much... (which, honestly, shouldn't be a factor).
I'm really impressed that Mary took the criticism with such grace, so much emotional intelligence!
OMG you were talking to me weren’t you?? “Spending too much time watching the #SSS”! #goldmattersbrick #zerowineanxietyinthisepisode
hahahha the best kind of addiction to have! ;)
Glad we could finally have an episode that didn't cause any wine anxiety. haha
Hello SteemSisterShow, my questions will focus on our relationship with cellphone.
Thanks for the great questions!
Why do people spend much time on cellphone than their books this days?
Because it's a computer in your pocket, you can do whatever you want
Don't you think much familiarity with our phones can affect our relationship?
If you spend more time on candy crush than talking to your family, yes
If you only talk to your family and you don't find a job because you don't know how to use facebook or linkedIn, yes
How many hours is idea for someone to use the cellphone per day?
How many hours is ideal for someone to use a pencil ? Don't know but if you are a drawer it could worth to spend more time with a pencil than a surgeon
why can't we do without our cell phone for an hour?
Well, with some imagination you can do something without a cell phone for an hour
I gave up on resolutions a while ago. But what I do instead is give myself permission to do whatever I want, but have very loose goals, but see where in my life I have improved since the end of the year, last year.
For example, in 2016 I was flat broke, unemployed and overweight. So I had to start again from scratch.
My focus for 2017 was then fitness and making myself as employable as possible. For 2018 my focus was on making sure I was never broke again (multiple savings accounts, automatic regular transfers, etc).
This year, I have accomplished quite a bit. Picking up Steem again in April and working towards becoming a Minnow (definitely Dolphin next year), working more on DTube, flying to Sydney for the Team Australia Christmas Party, getting to the gold league in Steem Monsters (getting affiliate payments for that too) it's really starting to snowball upwards.
I am not sure what 2019 will bring, but I am definitely going to be very, very busy.
Wow so much has changed in just a few years! Sounds like your approach has a nice pace to it, which helps it be more sustainable. Sounds like 2019 is shaping up to be an awesome year for you!
Resolutions are external restrictions that last, what, a week tops?
Like how long is anyone going to go without chocolate?
Gyms are full on January 2nd, but empty by February.
So, it's easier to do what you are going to do anyway, but make smaller realistic changes. Rather than diet, I learned about calories and listened to dietitians.
I eat more veggies now, but still occasionally eat meat and chocolate.
Rather than join a gym, I made sure I went for a walk every day and bought my own dumbells and used them every so often.
The 'all or nothing' approach relies on willpower and that doesn't work for me long term.
2019 should be great for both of us.
You'll raise your profile in Austin, Texas (I'd need to raise a lot of liquid Steem over the next few months for that to happen, but we'll see).
Plus the Team Australia Christmas Party will be in Adelaide this year too.
Like Steem Power, small increments really do add up. Never power down.
Posted using Partiko Android
fingers crossed for a Great New Year for the platform in 2019! Wishing you gals all the best!!
What a awesome show @coruscate & @maryjaney , I think making resolutions once a month is a great idea! I will be making no New Years resolutions Other then blogging more on Steemit once the price of steem goes up, otherwise I will be posting more on Steemhunt and sharing more photos on Appics which I am a new Tester for before they launch as the First SMT if or when the SMTs ever launch , now over a year and a half late. They were positive to launch this March but now because Ned laid off 70% of his staff and Steemit is "under maintenence" it may not be until May for the SMTs making them and the New Appics app 2 years late!
Spending too much time on Cellphone is killing time, so I do really agree with Mary's fiance. He seems really understand the bad impact about it.
So, what is actually the reason of someone playing with his phone while he is sitting next to his friend, do you think people who did this because the communication was not running well? Or is there any other relevant reason?
Wow your video channel and topics are out of the ordinary,
the most beautiful part of this network is that it makes me feel as if I am
with very important persons, which is a privilege the future could say:
Ohh yeah I know them "we were together in @steemit".
Special appreciation to the steemian girls (coruscate, maryjaney and surfermarly), you all are absolutely awesome.
Thank You and Happy New Year!
"What is the Steem Sister Show All About?"
It is about 2 great looking sisters. Smiling, something about Steem. :)
Please contact [email protected] by email or on discord.
An opportunity for you that will help grow your channel and something you might be interested in
Great last episode of 2018.