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RE: EXTREME 90-day Natural Body Transformation Video - EVERY single Day in Under 4 Minutes

in #dtube8 years ago

Huge misconception that the human body needs protein from meats. You need the amino acids from protein not the protein itself. Meats are very acidic to the human body forming mucus and inflammation leading to "all" dis-ease. Dairy is another big one. Like big pharma the food industry has fooled and retaught generations through their parents to actually create dis-ease within our bodies. You can get all the amino acids and more through plants and have a lean muscular body without much work at all. It just depends simply on will power and knowledge. Garbage in- garbage out. I digress.


Do you have a particular plant-based diet in mind that you have muscle-gaining experience with?

Hey brother. By the way, Love what you do and glad to see you here. I followed your you tube channel for a long time. I started a mostly fruit and veggie diet with the exception of eggs about a year and a half ago after seeing Dr.s and chiropractors for about six years due to an unexplainable back issue pertaining to being bed ridden for 1 to 2 weeks twice a year for no apparent reason. It consistent of limited movement, spasms, charlie horses and just phuckin' pain all together. After being raped, pillaged, and pilled up(their main solution adding more toxins and poisons to the body creating more of a problem) I found Dr. Morse and Dr. Cassar on you tube. Through their wisdom on the body I went all out fruit and veggies. The first month I lost 25 LBS and to date have lost right at 50. Mind you I'm 6' 1" and at that time weighed 225LBs. A bit overweight but not obese in my mind. To date, I have had no back issues at all and weigh 175 fitting in my high school pant size. I eat as much as I want within this diet never feeling hungry AT ALL and have more energy than I've ever had. I'm 46 by the way with a night job and a 3 and 6 year old. I'll run circles around anyone half my age on this life style period. The answer to your question is dark green leafy veggies, Red skinned grapes and melons. There is a product I've found for protein shakes made from plants it's called "Life's abundance" Plant protein. Tastes like shit but what of these products doesn't. They all take some gettin' used to and can be flavored better by adding fruits of your choice. I suggest to you and any one reading this to check out those Dr.s and learn how to open the kidneys up for maximum filtration of the Lymphatic system(sewer of the body) and drain the swamp so to speak. All your ailments will go away and you'll look and feel better than you did in high school. Or not, stay on the SAD diet, feel like shit as you gradually destroy your body on a cellular level spending loads of money with Dr.s who prescribe pills and cut on you( their only solutions) losing the last 20 years or so of your life being a lab rat. Again love what you do................... I digress.