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RE: Just a Saturday Night Rant - Flag LiveStream

in #dtube6 years ago

Hey bro, I can relate to the daily struggle of having to go to work, while raising young children, and then trying to find time for Steemit. I don't know all the nuances and history behind bitbots, downvoting/flagging, and dapps development. I am a relative newcomer, but I do enjoy the content creation part, even if it is not always easy to find time or cultivate ideas for the platform. I just wanted to extend my appreciation for what your doing. Keep up the good work, and remember to take care of your self first and foremost. If someone is being a dick, just don't make time for them. Avoid engaging if at all possible. Take your effort to where it is appreciated.

(I'll admit though, sometimes you just need to vent.. get it off your chest.. just remember to let off the steam and move on.. don't carry it around with you)

Hope your daughters are well. Keep your chin up, things will work out! Cheers!


Thanks, bud.

I just gotta take it day by day. Not sure if I mentioned in the video but the big struggle I am going through as a parent is with my oldest daughter who developmental issues. (We're waiting on the DNA results which is a little nerve-racking)

I just need to take it day by day and remember that Steem is not my entire life and family is my priority. I know at least one person who has suffered mental health issues due to their interactions here.

That imo is a good cue to take a vacation. Also, family should always come first. I gotta check myself sometimes as I have a tendency to get obsessed with my work. If it isn't putting bread on the table, it's just a hobby. That's Steem for me.

As for the venting, I'm good right now but yeah gotta call things as I see them. May get me in some drama sometimes but better than being a coward. Still no responses though on my comments.

Maybe give it some time.

Posted using Partiko Android

Feeling ignored can be extremely frustrating, especially when it comes to getting our point across. You're right though, you said your piece, hopefully you get a response, some sort of answers or closure...

You did mention about your daughter. I can only imagine how nerve-wracking a situation that must be. I have three boys, youngest is 7 months, and the oldest is 7 years.. he's tends to be the focus of a lot of bullying at school, he's a very sensitive kid and it breaks my heart. Sometimes I wish I could toughen him up somehow, or at least infuse him with a heavy dose of confidence, which, I am discovering, is probably one of the most important things we can do as parents. In any case, we have to be patient, accepting, and unconditional in our love and responsibility to this precious life that we have help create. Stay strong, bro, and take things day by day. Develop a routine. I find that, despite all the cynicism and cattiness that can bubble up on steemit, there is a very constructive and supporting community here if you can find the right people.

Good luck with everything! It'll work out one way or another.