I am of the mindset that the entreched ruling class understand nothing, but modern tank shells inside their little palaces. For me they are most beasts of hell hiding with little smirky smile, like when they knowingly force vaccinate people with toxic vaccines, or feed gmos to those too poor or dumb to know (or watching rt) or toxic salmond with toxic antigreasing or toxic rosy pig meat...
I think that's the biggest failure of all those colored revolution or natural uprising... at least the french were smart enough (no fluoride at the time) to go at the GATES OF VERSAILLES...
or as the RED did in the Motherland... seek the one or as Moses did...
why waste time with the underclass? As said if I had my spaceship (sadly my aliens friends exploded themselves in knowledge a few billion years ago) I would go straight over the DoJ and FBI building , and energy weapon it, with all the little people in it... in the blick of an eye, no fear nor smile...
because there is only violence, when the second most powerful nobel of france saw the head of the kween he knew it was game on...
systemic core violence. or as I said, what the fuck they don't nuke bashar palace... :D.
These are communists/socialists burning down my nation. "Anarcho"-communists too! :(