It's time for another episode of #TravelTuesday! So after years of travelling it happened, I accidentally lost my phone 😞Find out what happened by watching the video!
Music in the video is by @myndnow go check him out and follow him!
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omg indeed
I am sorry to hear you lost your phone. Ava and I film with an IPhone 8 and under the professional lighting the clarity is amazing to be honest. Everyone is shocked to know that was what we are using. We do plan to upgrade the camera but that is what we are using currently. Hmm so have I lost my phone? Well if you call being young, stupid, in love, and throwing it out the window during a fight while flying down the highway 'losing' a phone.. then yes I suppose I have hehehehehe Oh boy was I ever a passionate 20 something! Motherhood has calmed this lioness down :P
Talk soon Tanbay <3
Wow that sure counts lol Talk soon, love the new studio btw :)
Oh nooo!!
That's very frustrating for sure
So sorry about it....
I have heard many good things about the Honour/Huawei
I have dropped my phone into water
So kinda yes
Put it in rice for a couple of days and all the stuff trying to dry it out
Never revived
And ever since then I have been buying water proof hahaha
Oh I have not yet the water thing and I hope I never will :P
Maaaaan @tanbay I hate loosing stuff. I don’t know, even it is something way less important then a phone, the feeling of something being gone, I just hate. So sorry to hear that about your phone. The worst in my opinion is the data on it, contacts, photos etc. Hope you Hava a latest backup. Still have my iPhone 6 but it is kind of lost. Battery is fucked up and the screen doesn’t respond as normal. So let me know when you have a new one and I’ll take your advice for my next one. Have a good day buddy, greetings from Barcelona
Posted using Partiko iOS
I was thinking about getting an iPhone but the prices are just insane... I will make a video about my new phone soon :)
Im Sorry for your phone
Posted using Partiko Android
It's ok now thanks :)
I lost my phone once. It was a Motorola Moto Q. It was in the middle of the winter and I had no idea where it went. Come Spring my sister-in-law was in our back yard and found it. It fell out of my pocket when under the stairs leading off the back porch. It was caked in dirt so I cleaned it off then plugged it in and it started charging. Still works today but it's not what I use now. I was impressed it survived the weather laying in the dirt outside.
I can't believe it still works! :O