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RE: Fuck Basic Income

in #dtube7 years ago

but just to check if we can take some of the ideas of basic income and build that around a blockchain and the funds come from the crypto community that would work better right because in some ways i like the idea of basic incomes and living wages if we can activate a dormant subset of skilled workers in society who got left behind because their respective gov's fucked them on the ability to retrain and get access to education to do that.

having worked in local gov for five years of my life at one point i know the level of disorganized, backhanded, poorly managed books they run. we need a generation of out of date grey suited men to kick the bucket and let in a more progressive women and men split with fresh ideas and have all of that policy trackable on a blockchain for us all to access.


If it were decentralized it would be a beautiful thing indeed <3 I believe we can achieve this, and truly help each other.