Watch Police officer snaps on driver for asking questions during an illegal checkpoint video on DTube
This is not me! Original source at the bottom.
Skip to 3:20 if you're impatient
Ryan Scott:
I was just stopped at an unconstitutional CHECKPOINT in DeKalb, Illinois. This was Illinois State Police conducting the unconstitutional searches. You won't believe how this just went down! I completely forgot to ask for name and badge number because this guy scared the shit out of me. He was not aware that he was being recorded when he ripped my door open. Unbelievable! This kind of misconduct and behavior is not acceptable. This is what happens when you exercise your Constitutional Rights as a law abiding American citizen. This incident ironically occurred on "Thank a police officer day". Share the hell out of this and make this video go viral!
Original source:
Mirrored with permission.