Coming To Your House In SHTF ... VR To Ontario Homestead

in #dtube5 years ago

Coming To Your House In SHTF ... VR To Ontario Homestead

The content on this channel is not indented for anyone under the age of 18.

Any opinions expressed on this channel are just that, and are that of the creator.

If you like my content and feel so inclined you can support the channel below. Everything goes back into the channel for better video and audio equipment, into preps or into the moving fund for the mover to the USA or at least to Alberta.

You already shop at Amazon. Before you do, come here and click on my link. :)

If you are in the USA, click here:

If you are in Canada, click here:

For emergency long term storable food go here:

My Patriot Supply only ships to the USA. If you are in Canada you will need to use a third party shipper.

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The Angry Canuck, The Angry Canuck Channel, Prepping, Prepper, Preparedness, SHTF, Food Storage, Survivalist, Survival, WROL, Apocalypse, Bug Out Bag, Bug Out, Grid Down, Homestead, Homesteading, Teotwayki, Economic Collapse, Coming To Your House In SHTF, VR To Ontario Homestead, Ontario Homestead

#TheAngryCanuck #Prepping #SHTF

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