Heart Checkup!!!

in #dtube7 years ago

Our baby girl got her heart checkup from her VSD/ASD/Aortic repair she had done at 4 months old. She is doing absolutely amazing!!! We are so thankful that she is still here with us and look forward to a full life for her.

▶️ DTube

Praise the Lord! God is good!

Wonderful news!! Does that mean she's completely in the clear now, or will she still need periodic checkups?

They don't want to see her again until she's 5! It's just such a relief.

Until she is 5, or in 5 more years? I think you said 5 more years in the video. Thank Yah her heart is developing correctly! I can’t imagine having a baby go through heart surgery!!

Sorry, yes, she is 5. In 5 years!!!

im a new memmberhi @thefarmerswife i just upvote you

Super good news!!

Praise YAH!!