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RE: Our Favorite Cacao Brownies!!!

in #dtube7 years ago

So it's the same but processed differently. Cacao is rawest form of chocolate. Much better health benefits. Cocoa is just more processed and that takes a lot of the nutrition out of it. And many times when u buy it in the store they add junk to it. So if you are looking at chocolate bars sometimes try say a % cacao. The higher the better health wise. Don't cry! Go get some cacao! It's good for you! And I'm so glad dtube worked for you!!


howdy today @thefarmerswife! ok good to know the difference, and cocoa has sugar in it doesn't it?
I hope they indeed fixed Dtube because in the past week I've talked to several people who would love to use it but it won't even load on their computers.
I think you should use a couple of those Old West insults on the Farmer and see what his reaction is! lol.