
howdy this fine Tuesday morning thefarmerswife! oh how interesting but by bike do you mean bicycle of motorcycle?
and was the trip just to see you guys specifically? because that would be a little hard to believe.
lol. just teasing.

Bicycle. He was doing a ride on part of the bourbon trail. Worked out nicely.

oh ok but what is the Bourbon Trail? I've never heard of it, is it a bicyle tour thing or a string of whisky distilleries or something?

Distilleries! Bunches of them here!

I know, one of the iconic things about Kentucky. Whiskey, race horses, mines, tobacco and Blue Grass. I probably left one out but those are most of them. those and stubborn farmers. lol.

hey did you taste that Moonshine?

Haha! Moonshine is decent! Put it in the freezer and it turns into an amazing slush!

ha! no way..well isn't that interesting..well and the stuff that captainbob had was Elderberry or something so it does sound good!