Hmm... I like the guitar remake of a song I never had heard of before (I listened to the original first). Now I am just wondering whether to say I liked one over the other; I can understand the context and the style of the original, yet the guitar play was clearly fantastic in the remake. Dunno what to say truly, I do like the young attitude of the original however; thankfully the contest ain't on comparing to the originals but whether the recreations stands up as well to the originals when they first premiered.
Going further, clearly professional musicry is at play here for both versions. Equally so, a passion that Iove to keep seeing in contests like these that I seldom see elsewhere on Steemit (most choosing to go try net the judge's eyes, ears and mouths most of the time). Also, this seems like a first go (not first attempt mind yah) shot at this with no freeze in between the frames, so bonus ducks on that. All-in-all, gota say that I loved the musical remake here!~ c:

Thank you so much for all of these kind words, @theironfelix! U rock
Welcome for the comment!~ ^^
Thanks for the music~