I had just finished a workout when I watched this, so I thought I'd try the cold shower. As soon as I touched the water, I backed out, literally. I ended up setting it to warm and working my way down to cold while in the water. It was a challenge, but I did it and I feel good about that!
Other benefits of cold showers:
- use less water (because it's hard to stand it for long)
- use less electricity
-- to heat the water
-- to run the fan afterwards (there's no steam when the water is colder than the room)
Thanks for the encouragement, @humanearl! Maybe tomorrow I'll go outside shirtless. To be fair, it should be around 45-50 degrees, so not as bad. :D
Ayyye!! @themanwithnoname At least you jumped in and gave it a try.
Look just jump in there while it's cold. You won't die although it will feel like knives everywhere. Don't worry you will feel such a surge of energy go through your body. Learn to breath very deeply and controlled. Also something that helps is laughing or singing.