While the US stock market has been receiving the benefits of the global quantitative easing increase over the last few weeks, certain stocks haven’t been so fortunate. While China’s central bank injected the largest amount of money into the markets ever in history, something very wild happened in Hong Kong. The only issue is that nobody really knows why. But don’t worry because that couldn’t happen here, could it?
Markets: Indexes, Bonds, Forex, Key Commodities, ETFs
Hong Kong and China stocks shoot up after Beijing vows tax cuts to boost manufacturers, small businesses | South China Morning Post
China's central bank injects record amount to stimulate economy
Hong Kong stock market: Shares crash 80% without warning - Business Insider
Sudden Selloff Hits Hong Kong Stocks: $4.77 Billion Vaporized
Jiayuan Plunges 80% in Hong Kong as Bond Comes Due - BNN Bloomberg
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Hong Kong market slips in late trading after clutch of stocks plunges, denting trader optimism | South China Morning Post
Sino Land offers aggressive discounts at Tai Po development Mayfair by the Sea 8 to woo buyers | South China Morning Post
Baltic Exchange Dry Index | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News
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2019-01-15_8-35-39.jpg (677×525)
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This is near to explote :/
Great to see you in Dtube.... 2019 not looking good
Thanks for the info .