VLOG3- Personal Appeal to Jordan Peterson to get onto Steemit! (X3)

in #dtube8 years ago

Watch VLOG3- Personal Appeal to Jordan Peterson to get onto Steemit! (X3) video on DTube

OK, FINAL attempt at posting this. I think it will work this time. This is my invitation to Jordan B. Peterson to get his butt onto Steemit and start sticking it to the man (Google).
They won't leave us alone, and the sooner top-tier content creators like Peterson get onto Steemit+DTube, the sooner we can all get on with building something truly great - and FREE - and BEAUTIFUL.


Please let me know if this doesn't work. I'm having trouble seeing it on my crappy wifi.

Hi, sometimes it takes a bit of time for the files to propagate properly.

OK... next time I use a much smaller file size. lesson lernt.

You're a bit unlucky as the network get's better which it will, it'll be easier to upload any file but for now, I think you might have got unlucky for now but a smaller file will always be better. I've just downloaded the video so it's all sorted have a solid time here!