Dad and Daughter Day Out! (Daily Vlog #21)

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)


Here's a little video I put together from our short trip to the shop yesterday morning! Willow hasn't been sleeping too well recently so I thought I'd take her with me to get the weekly food shop while my wife Jodie had a morning off and a chance to sleep a little more!

See you tomorrow!

▶️ DTube

Yay, finally a post with you beautiful daughter! She is so precious! And her name is just perfect, Willow. How did you arrive to that?

Yes! I promised I would deliver and she was adorable every time I got the camera out which was a bit of luck! It took us a while to think of the name Willow actually. But the place we got married was surrounded by Willow trees which is one reason, and our first date was in a place called Willow House, so we thought that name fit us well! Plus I love Willow trees!

Great back story! It also sounds very beautiful, she is a lucky girl to carry such a musical (sonorous?) name, and the backstory. All together, that's just perfect. :)

Awe! Willow is so sweet. I love seeing videos like this Tim. Also! You're editing skills are on fire. What software are you using? I feel like I want to start getting more creative with my edits. I have downloaded davinci resolve but I need to take some time to figure it out.
Oh and that is the biggest babyccino ive ever seen!

Thank you! I’m still amazed that a child so adorable came from me haha!
Honestly, There wasn’t much to the editing work, apart from the content. I find myself stretched for time I in terms of editing, being a father and work etc leaves me without hours to do it all. so I’ve found some great programs and templates to use that I just need to add my content to and adjust to my liking. I’ll message you what I use! I’m still learning so much, so I’m with you on that!
Haha there was soooo much babyccino, I even had some!

You've got some good genes! I think we can all relate to the stresses of finding time to film and edit. It's definitely becoming challenging for me. I'm working on some ideas where I can still create content that's effective but not as time consuming. It's just trying to figure it out I guess. I'd love to know what your using. 😊

So beautiful as always!

Thank you! Willow really is the magic in my life!

good post brother, I am interested in your post.

yeah clearly

@tim.clarke Willow is sooooo cute my friend. I love the fact you are now vlogging more of your life. Out and about!! I can't wait to see more of these vlogs Tim!

Hey thanks! Yeah I liked the style I was able to make being out and about with a bit more freedom. Plus I thought including Willow more often would make it more interesting than just my face all the time! Won’t be long till I capture you in front of the lens I’m sure, coffee is on me!

Yes yes and yes Tim, we really need to do it. Let's schedule something in. Drop me a DM on discord and we'll work out a best day etc.

It is nice to see little Willow make an appearance haha your face does get a bit boring after a while haha only kidding pal! ;) haha

THat's so interesting the way the baby seat is backwards. What's the reason for that or is that how it is in the U.K? haha. I've drank coffee from Costa!

Hey hey Kevin! Yeah here in the UK it’s recommended by safety people that they are rear facing for as long as possible. It’s something to do with the way the seat protects them in case of an accident. I didn’t realise that was different in other countries! Of course you can have it either way but we just follow the guidelines haha. Oh nice! Costa is my favourite!

Whoa that's crazy but I guess it means sense. Did Willow actually drink the babychino btw? haha

AWwwww Willow is so well behaved for a toddler her age. So cute. eheheh

Jodie got the day to relax and enjoy herself. That is great! :P You said that she have a blog as well... Haven't You convinced her yet to start blogging here? :P

Haha Willow is so lovely, isn’t always so well behaved, but kids are kids! She was especially adorable this time!
Jodie was loving having some time of after we’ve not had much sleep all week, I figured I’d give her a little relax time!

I’m working on it but I guess it’s so hard to keep up with so many different platforms! We’ll see!

Hummmm i see.... well i think waht you can recommend to Jodie maybe is if the blog is getting good results she maybe can just use the blockchain on steepshot... and kind of just post daily pictures... of what she is up to... and with announcements on the new blig posts... just more like a fast lifestyle thing eheheheh

Lovely! I still can't believe the diversity in which this community is blossoming. Feels so sweet to stumble on younger parents that are active here.

much love,

Aw man, this is brilliant! Thanks for sharing!