What is the Force in the Star Wars Film Series? It is the Ether. This documentary is a review of the Star Wars films series to determine what the Force used by the Jedi really is. It exposes how the Illuminati have known about the Ether (The Force) for a long time and hid their occult knowledge throughout this Pagan Film Series that is extremely popular.
Also discussed is how the Illuminati have shown off their directed energy space platform in the Star Wars films. This space platform though using a different directed energy than the Free Electron Laser depicted in the Death Star, is similar in that it used directed energy to instill the Fear Doctrine (Project for the New American Century).
I cover the Electric Universe Theory, Star Wars, Ether Science, Nikola Tesla, The Akashic Record, Quintessence, Ether, Directed Energy Weapons, 9/11 Truth, the Illuminati, Illuminati symbolism, the Federal Reserve, the Mark of the Beast, the direct neural interface, transhumanism, the story of Osiris & Isis, Icarus, direct energy programs currently running, the free electron laser, the Death Star, Star Wars, the Force Awakens and so forth.
Special Thanks to Christian Baczyk, for use of his song: Link
Clips used:
Star Wars Minute: Link
Destruction of Alderaan: Link
Darth Vader "Your lack of Faith is disturbing": Link
Star Wars New Hope Binary Sunset: Link
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back "My ally is the force": Link
Yoda warns about the Dark Side: Link
Emperor Palpatine's speech: Link
Darth Plagus story: Link
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Ending: Link
Dr. Judy Wood's Evidence for LENR & Directed Energy Weapons used on 9/11: Link
Understand the financial enslavement by the federal reserve: "The Secret of Oz": Link
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Star Wars is definitely an Illuminati programming film. It applies the Luciferian gnostic dualism philosophy to a T. The key hero Luke (i.e. Lucifer) becomes the lead fighter of the "rebellion". He then faces off against his father Darth Vader (Dark Father) with his "light"-saber.. Once you get the play on the whole thing, it's almost laughable how blatant they are in their Illuminati Lucifer / Dualism worship.
Yeah 100% agreed, the dualism religion of the Illuminati is portrayed exactly in these films. They also clearly depict the hidden knowledge of Tesla's ether.
You're right. I'm sure they have been using Tesla's ether tech for a very long time already. Since they also need to tell us the truth (at least indirectly), sci-fi movies like Star Wars are perfect for rubbing a mixture of such truths and other lies in our faces. They can also easily encode these movies with messages that might otherwise be difficult in other movie genres. The Matrix is another perfect example. (Alternatively, they also use cartoons like the Simpsons and Family Guy.)
Glad to see you're getting your videos up on DTube. Upvoted and resteemed.
I had them all on DTUBE and mysteriously they vanished. This is the second time I am uploading them.
That happened to me as well, I think it was when they changed to d.tube, is that around when yours disappeared?
No yeah that must be it. Interesting.
Hi @titusfrost! You have received 0.1 tip SBD + @tipU upvote
from @fishyculture :)
@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment, get share of the service profit :)
VERY glad to see you tying the Electric Universe into the bigger truths. People without that piece of the puzzle are missing the big picture. All the new age types will say "It is all energy" but they want it to be fuzzy and feel good, not science... And the mainstream science yoyos want it to be all mysterious and magical, nothing a peon could comprehend... The truth, as always, is rather elegantly simple, even when complex. My upvote is worthless, I have to recharge but have a tip!
Not wanting to be this guy, but Plagueis* and not Plagus. :)
Lolz, yeah sorry.
Excellent video, nonetheless.
Very interesting. So what are they doing with this ether force? How are they using it?
UFO's are powered by this same ether, despised by modern "scientists", and of course scallar/energy weapons.
"the flying saucers" are NOT alien, just the military application of Tesla's work.
I like the light sabre battles
Played about five seconds (about one second of the music intro), and then hung. Did this twice. Argh.
Please consider dual-posting to YouTube while DTube continues their teething pains? I want them to succeed, but it's "more urgent" that I be able to watch posted videos...
I hear you friend... Just posting a comment on here is a hustle sometines