
To further clarify, when we re-open the slack it will be opened to everyone. You will not need to request an invite, we will post the public link once it becomes available again. Just be patient, I'm on vacation - we will address the new public gateway sometime after I return. :-)

Good to know, thanks tizzle!

Shot dude

Looking forward joining the Slack channel...

Thanks @tizzle, I'll look out for that.

I'd like an invite as well. [email protected]

thanks @tizzle i would love get an invite when it reopens! thank you

@tizzle I would love also to join Slack when you open it again! Love all the videos. Thanks! Been following Luc for awhile.

Hello, would also like to join, thank you

Thanks @tizzle looking forward to joining

Please allow me to join as well! Thanks for your work! [email protected]

Thanks tizzle

Count me in, too, please! I'd love to have an invite to the channel!

@tizzle - amazing work, would love an invite once the slack is re-opened !

@tizzle would love an invite as well! [email protected]

I would love an invite when they reopen thanks!

Hi Tizzle can you add me to your list - [email protected]

much appreciated

@tizzle could you please paste here your post on exchanges,which appears in top video at 16min40s please im really curious what you were saying because im from europe,thank you very much.