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RE: Net Neutrality Repeal What You Really Need To Know

in #dtube7 years ago

The important aspect left out in this discussion is the possibility -- and I stress that its only a possibility -- that the free market would shatter the monopolies by allowing all of the little companies, who have been boxed out over the couple years by giants like Comcast, to begin offering you lower prices and different styles, such as pay per usage or whatever. Options. Whatever the market demanded. Which would allow the only power left to us, our consumer power, to actually be able to make a difference. So, for instance, if Comcast began giving preferential treatment to MSM over Alt Media, we would simply choose the one did not, and in an ideal free market, there would be an option, and Comcast would be the one boxed out. But sadly, just as Luke said, in todays corrupt political atmosphere, it will likely never happen that way, but with no manipulation, that is the hopeful ideal of killing so-called "Net Neutrality," which is another way of saying government control, or "price control," and I for one never feel that more government control is a good thing.


The sad part is there is no real free market. 2008 was not that far.