He does have donors. He still aligns with a more Constitutionalist view. I am a States rights advocate. With a strong State and an unmolested Bill of Rights, American citizens would less taxed and more formidable globally. The bad in a strong United States is that the Government represents us as one abroad, although gaining in an appearance of unity, we loose over all strength. If States were held on their own merits and weighted as such, we garner more power. Dividing this power could put individual States in the U.S. on equal footing with powerful Nations. Think about the power of Texas negotiating trade deals one on one with Mexico. Would the benefits outweigh negatives? Just some theories. I can think of a million problems with it, but aren't there positives?
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I don't know, @tom74 it seems to me that there is more strength in unity. @oneness posted an awesome article about the constitution that everyone should read. Here's the link.