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RE: The Free Market Has Spoken DTube Is Here! A Blockchain Solution To YouTube Censorship! (Interview With DTube's Creator)

in #dtube8 years ago

Well, as someone from YT who has over 300+ videos, I can tell you almost none of them make any money after the first week.

YT's algorigthmn pushes your videos up to the top of the list if you have a lot of followers/likes/views in a short amount of time within a video being released. However, after a few days, once the views and the intial surge die down, your video gets pushed to the middle/bottom of the list. Meaning that when someone types in a phrase similar to what your video is, your video if it is 4 or 5 days old likely won't show up(unless it had hundreds of thousands of views, or not many people upload videos like it). For the most part there are always hundreds of people making very similar content who are in the high tiers of owning the phrases, such as "prank videos" or something. Those top few hundred people always are pushed to the top, but if they don't make a prank video for a week, their videosstart to de-rank.

YTis constantly looking for fresh consistent content.

On almost any of my videos I do not get more than 10 to 20 views on anything older than a few weeks(Ihave 5k subs and good search results too).

So it isn't too far off base for onnly being rewarded in a 7 day period that Steemit limits you to.

I do have a few exceptions, where some videos continue to do well because it is of a certain boss in a PC game that people want loot from and what not. But even those videos don't get more than a few hundred views extra/month and that is with a way larger population than steemit has(Ithink active 30,000 or so).

LBRY is probably better, but for the most part people don't watch older videos(Isay this in the macro term, like 95% or more of your views happenin in the first 3 to 4 days on YT).

Still, it would be nice to have continued earnings through another app as you say. Maybe as other have said, send a tip or something or someone makes another app.


I mostly agree, but I still earn on videos that are over two years old. It all depends on the validity of the content. In my case, my content stays relevant. Occasionally I will have to push, or reintroduce some videos by placing links, but my blog also helps to generate new viewers and subscribers. ATM, DTube cannot replicate that.

Very interesting, I didn't know that about YouTube. That puts things into a different perspective.

I've noticed the same trend on YouTube as well, the recent algorithm changes are all about freshness of content for sure

That's great knowledge. I thought we need more time to monetize but 7 days same as Steem.. Hmm.

I looked at the DECENT project since say you were to make a documentary than obviously you are looking at a much longer curation time window then 7 days. What do you think @truthforce? Btw I'm truthispower on bitchute haha