
I use emojis in all of my title posts, not because I lack respect for myself or the English language, but because I find that it catches the eye, and most of my video content is playful and not particularly serious. Though in a sense, I suppose that your assessment is spot-on. I use smileys because I don't take myself too seriously and I dabble in humor as a means to self-deprecate. It's the easiest way to brush off criticism before it even hits I suppose. Is it healthy? Meh. Does it make me a bad writer? Not necessarily. Then again, how many Faulkner's are really on Steemit? Is that why people are really here?

Like you, I hope to grow on this platform and eventually amass a small investment for myself. I would like to make a living here in the not-so-distant future. I have figured out the things that I can do well, and I try to hyper-focus on those things. I also have limited time, so I have to consider that as well. Perhaps that is something to consider when analyzing anyone's writing on Steemit. I would venture to guess there are thousands of talented writers on here that would sit and write thoughtful, well-written masterpieces if Steemit could compensate them right away. But it takes a lot of time to build yourself on here, and from what I have seen, it takes a combo of well-written posts and quicker-released content in order to maintain a daily presence. I have therefore committed to making one fun off-the-cuff video a day, yet also pour some time into something more meaningful, maybe every other day. Anyway, this was a long-winded response to a simple point, that you can't judge a writer by their use of smilies! :) :) :)

(I'm a pretty hardcore Libertarian, but I also have a bit of basic bitch in me, so I just can't help it.) Anyway, interesting observations nonetheless!

I enjoyed reading your comment Beth and if you make money with your writing then you fucking make money with it (however it is formatted).

Have a nice day.

Day 100 and posting every single day! Congratulations on this achievement Phil! So proud of you!

Thank you Dawn.

The 100th post on your road to 100000 SP! Awesome, you have consistently posted every day and that is just these posts. Well done mate.

Thank you Jist.

That's a great achievement Phil. This kind of dedication is showing great results and helping others to achieve similar. Kudos.

Thank you Anj.

I like your story. Have a nice day.

Interesting topic :)
I'll sign up for you, I too will soon have a blog of up to 10 00
my way to 10000 SP )

I have published 2 posts every damn day for 100 days in a row.

Thanks to everyone who supports me on my journey!

Shoutout to my best supporters: @Hopehuggs, @Eonwarped, @DawnSheRee, @Humanearl, @Adept & @Dtube!

Cheers to 100 solid days. May you get your 1000% bonus today!

Very fitting music video, very primal, percussive, folklore centered. It really gets the blood boiling.

Ancestor style!

Thanks to everyone who supports me on my journey!

Can we fallow each other.if you like...i like it very much.Reality work..nice effort..of original !such a beautiful post line is nice way to introducing post yourself.I look foward to seeing more from this blog. All the best in 2018..@owaishassankhan

Well done bro :)