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RE: You CAN reap what you sow, but only if you can get ploughed...Be afraid... be very afraid..

in #dtube6 years ago

I've heard some of those lines and am not denying it could happen once in a while.

Yet, your drama infused description reminds me exactly of the feminists.

He will rape you with his eyes. Rape you with the wolf call.. Porn is more offensive to women that men... blah blah.

I would say just as 98 percent of men don't rape, 98 percent of women don't cry rape.

Be careful not to fall into the same trap of sounding like a triggered, whining, screaming drama queen. Because that is what your rant sounds like.

A snowflakey Righty screaming about how dramatic and reasonless the lefty are. :)

Most of us just don't fit the mold on either side. Fight the fighting for the sake of fighting crowd. :)


Unfortunately, this is not based on a few stories here and there, it is based on messages boards filled with real, and actual #MeToos against men.

Its like this... "98% of women would never go file divorce papers and cry rape to the court..."

The actual statistics are 50% of marriages end in divorce.
70% of divorces are filed by women.
50% of those cases the women accuses the man of sexual abuse.

That was from a person who works in those courts.
The numbers may be higher now.

Paternity tests are becoming a real thing now.

Lab technicians are saying that at least 1/4 of their tests show that the man is not the father.

Lab technicians in birthing hospitals show the same numbers. 1/4 of the children are not the fathers based on blood types.

And the statistics against men get worse.

But, speaking the other way, in The US women who were raped by a stranger was 23 in 100,000. Not even 1%. So, why the cry for #MeToo?

I'm not going to debate it, because by debating it, I give a voice which fuels the fire. I could respond with the stats and facts from the other side. However, I've never understand people who want to fight for their victimhood.