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RE: DTube - Was Norway Just CAUGHT SPYING On Russia For NATO?

in #dtube7 years ago

An acquaintance of mine who lives in Sweden said that the government told them to be prepared to survive without any government services for a week. What is going on over there?


Sweden is vulnerable since its a relatively large country in relations to the number of people living there. (Only 10 millions on a area larger than Germany with 80 million inhabitants). Most people are concentrated to the south or along the coast line and most of the natural resources are in the north where also most of the water power is produced.

For several years now there have been a gradually dismantling of the emergency preparedness. The dependency of electricity have sky rocketed. The industry, health care and society in whole can't function without it.

In case of ANY large emergency, may it be a terrorist attack, sabotage, natural disaster or accident of any kind it can take days before electricity, water and similar necessities we all take for granted could be restored. Since most new homes can't function without electricity (heat, water, communication and similar stuff) the whole country could be shut down...

This have been discussed for several years now in relation to natural disasters and the increased military tension in the region makes it only more necessary to prepare the people for any crisis the may/will come.

MSB (Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap) have a special website for emergency preparedness you can check out here.

By the way... Norway is a part of NATO so it's not strange that a Norwegian is spying on Russia...

Very interesting! Thanks for this explanation! That makes perfect sense.

Just browsed through old stuff here.

These are interesting times now and a lot of happening.

Swedish Security Police (SÄPO, Säkerhetspolisen) arrested two potential spies recently.

Made a short blog post for future reference here: