All transactions are usually done within 1 business day. Please note that a cash out is considered a sell order. The min. sell order we process is $2K.
In order to sell coins to fiat the min is $2K. That is what i got out of the FAQ.
Netcoins is good when trading and bringing fiat into the system but the $2K to bring / change coin to fiat could be a problem @ $2K if I understanded this right (FAQ)
Correct! as I mentioned to someone else somewhere above, right now, sales can only be done with Netcoins with the OTC option, and it's reserved for larger amounts. I totally agree with you, this is a good way to bring fiat into the system and empowering you to use your money in regards to purchasing crypto the way you want. Depending on each person's needs, it may not be a great fit~
The more exchanges get into crypto the more options we have and the competition creates a better product/exchange for us. I am all for this and it is looking good for the future.
When this all goes mainstream it will be a whole different world.