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RE: I Read My Old Poli Sci Term Papers - #PropagandaWatch

in #dtube6 years ago

Wow, a poli sci course? No way did I ever consider stepping into that anti-individualist minefield. Around 1998 I attended an elective course on "Banking" when I was working as a series 7 licensed securities rep and the instructor called my classroom comments "anarchistic". I considered myself minarchistic at that stage and was about 40 years old with a son 20 years younger. That was likely the exact moment I realized that college was not education and I withdrew from that class and decided not to finish the 16 credit hours of electives left to receive the degree. I had carried too many people too long always writing the "team" reports and standing against the wind. My intuition commenced to speak both when I was awake and asleep. I listened.

With a cumulative GPA better than 3.7 per dual AS degrees in Electrical Tech and Business as well as all core components of the BS Business/Marketing program I had gotten wise to just how full of shit these "teachers" really were. The BS diploma couldn't compensate for all the poor dialogue achieved through completion of core components, let alone insult to injury to hand over more tuition money and waste more time completing arbitrary free electives. I walked out of Elmira College after that semester and never returned. I never regretted that decision.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA