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RE: Hello

in #dtube6 years ago

Wow! You did a very good job on your video. What was the song called that you used? Is there a specific reason you used an anthem? I know when I am looking for music in my videos that there is a lot of thought put into it so when I am watching someone else's videos I'm always curious.

I look forward to seeing what more you have to show us in the future. Just a few things I'd like for you to know. In the Dtube world, the tag dtubesnap is for videos that are under a minute. The videos that are between 1 and 3 minutes it's called a dtubesnapplus. It's all so confusing, but it will all make sense eventually. Scott and I wanted to help you out by getting you some tips and tricks we learned over the past few months as new Steemians. You can view that post HERE

Also check out this Discord Server for new Steemians.

