Unboxing and Tasting What Is Inside An M.R.E. (Ready Made Meals)

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

Last week I posted a video on what a 3 day supply of emergency food can look like for 1 person. In that video, we showed you what we got from FEMA last year as food right after the hurricane hit and the area lost power. We never opened them until today. This video is an unboxing and taste testing of what exactly is in an M.R.E.

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You guys crack me up. Mash potatoes that smell like cat food...I think someone would have to be a lot more than a couple days hungry to want to eat that...lol. I was really hoping you'd open the meat loaf so I could see what it looked it but considering the M&M sent bad maybe I don't really want to know. You are doing a great job getting your camera shy girls into the mix, the three of you do great together.

yes, it really was that gross. The meatloaf was more sauce than anything else. I did go get Brianna a fresh bag of M&M's to make up for these really bad ones.