Last week YouTube deleted a family vlog channel called FamilyOFive. They used to be DaddyOFive. The videos they posted were claimed to be family friendly and pranks. But many of them were of the youngest child being bullied and abused by not only his siblings but his parents as well. Well last year they lost custody of the youngest and one other child so they rebranded their channel. You would think that they learned their lesson about this type of content. But no they still posted the same content they just focused their attention on the children they still had. Well YouTube made the decision to ban them. In this video I am talking about my opinion on the topic.
▶️ DTube
Wow, over seven hundred thousand people out there subscribing to a channel where children are prank-ed to the point of abuse sure shows you how far down the drain society is headed. I am with you, if it involves the misuse of children that's a justified use of censorship.
There are other channels that do the same content. I hope now they will remove them as well.
They deserved it, I saw the video last year when they pranked the youngest ( forgot his name) poor kid was crying and confused on what he had done wrong, that was sickening, hope they go to jail for child abuse
they were charged and found guilty of child abuse and given 5 years probation.
the got their just desserts, still wish they got jail time.
I only heard about all of that last year but I never watched any of their videos, nor was I a subscriber. I thought their behavior was unbelievably sickening and the bad thing about it was they thought there was nothing wrong with what they were doing, it was all for the money, but what about the long term effects on that poor child. I for one am very glad to hear that the channel was deleted and they are now banned, I guess too many people were flagging them as being inappropriate, hope they learn a valuable lesson from that.
I asked my girls if they watched them and my oldest said she could not stand the cursing. My youngest said she only saw the ink stain video and she said it does not look like a prank at all. Even she said it looked like they were abusing Cody.
From what I heard it was pure cruelty, I dont know how parents could have the heart to do that to their own children, so just imagine what they would do to someone else's child. I can tell you, there is a special place in hell for them because they have ruined their children's lives forever, they have stripped them of their innocence.
they were motivated by money. The dad or mom does not work, so this was a huge incentive for them.
Yes I am sure, then they probably took that money and drink and smoke it out all day then took out their frustrations on those poor kids, May God have mercy on their souls!
yes...they should be banned...
well done youtube
talking about banning a channel on an platform which was built with the premise that everything is unbannable
I usually do not agree with YouTube censorship but in this case there were clearly abusing these children for money and views.
How sad are the people involved in this kind of thing.
both the people making this content and the ones watching it. It found on their facebook fan page the fans were suggesting what to do next to Cody. It really is sick.