Hahaha :)) you sooo funny here :)! free-spirited and illogical hippie :))!!
And i like both your sides:) that serious and thoughtful quiet guy with glasses, I like really like him too :)! He looks reasonable and smart :)
but, you know, I agree,it seems we need both sides :) - the side that plans and analyzes + spontaneous and intuitive side :) Together it's a super combo :))!
i'm loving your wholesome analysis here @happyolly. def is a super combo. I really had to learn to let the free-spirited crazy guy in more tho haha :P
and,how you feel?
Which one of these two guys runs you more often ;)?
That cute, calm and sensible guy with glasses?
Or cheerful crazy hippie :)))?
And thank you for your words,dear @axios ^-^
hmm... it's a mixed bag to be honest...I try to keep em' both in check :P
:) Ok, I realized you're somewhere in the middle:) and they both give you strength and ideas;)
(with me something similar ;) )