Dtube Money: Think Long Term With Money Spending/How Small Daily Expenses ADDS Up | EP047

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

What's up Dtube, I freaking love talking money so today, we're doing just that.

I think it's crazy how every day spending can REALLY add up at the end of the year if we aren't aware of it. See I think I'm not alone when I spend a few dollars a day on coffee or uber rides or eating out. I usually don't think twice when I make this expense. But if you stop and start think...


You realize how the money really adds up. So in this video, I go through 3 different examples of things we usually don't think much about but really add up.

Final Thoughts:

Grateful :)

▶️ DTube

Those Starbucks lattes sure to add up to big chunks of $ at the end of the month.

I know, Starbucks kills my wallet

Chipotle is the bestttttt. Do you use an app to track your expenses?

Damn straight! Yeah I have an app, but I just write it all down honestly lol

thank you for these friend tips are very essential
good night

Glad you like it!



Hehehe why, I am newbie here learning on steemit

welcome welcome :)

Thanks dear

It all adds up.

1000 percent.

well im on a year long Chipolte and and Starbucks diet. My new age Diet is that i eat only Chipolte while doing daily Starbucks enemas.
i use uber to get myself back and forth between my house and starbucks and Chipolte...so my question is ...how can i action your ideas to best work for my new age diet.