Hi DTube!
My name is Jessica, and today I want to address all you future-DTubers out there.
I know it took me a long time to go from never making a video in my life to consistently posting on DTube, and I’m sure that a lot of people are where I was at a few months ago.
So for all you out there, I just want to say this:
Right now, it’s the perfect time to become a DTuber
Now let me explain…
1. DTube is super new, which means there’s a ton of room for creativity
That means that if you flex your creative muscles, you’re definitely going to be able to come up with something no one else on this platform has before.
2. There’s not a ton of DTuber’s yet
That has created this culture of mass content - where instead of posting every single week, DTubers are posting every single day (and sometimes multiple times a day). I think that’s awesome.
If you’re where I was, looking for a sign to post your first DTube video…….
This is it ;)
▶️ DTube
Yes! Start now and don't look back :)