Somebody Got Fired Today 🤧 | Vlog #175

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

Hey SteemSquad and DTubeNation!

Always make sure you have backup plans ready in case these things happen.

Have a lovely day and hope you join me on this epic journey #SteemOn

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Vlog #174 - I Don't Know If I Should Post This Video

Vlog #173 - Perfect Trees At Redwood Forest

Vlog #172 - What I Wish I Could Tell All The Complainers

Vlog #171 - Using Excitement As Motivation

▶️ DTube

The place where I work has a similar approach to how it wants its workers, but the older I get the more I'm starting to realise;No matter how hard you work and no matter how well the company is doing you're never truly safe. (Found that out the hard way earlier this year).
So it's always good to have multiple fires burning in case one goes out.

Damn unlucky. Are you doing okay now though?

Well I'm managing for the time being. I managed to get a job with the same company that I will keep temporarily. (It pays 3k less and includes more work, pressure and responsibility.

I'll stay there until I learn to drive. In the meantime, I'll learn to cope under that pressure and use any opportunity to learn whatever I can from them.
Then I'll find somewhere else to work.
(Not because I'm not loyal to them, it's just that I can see the same thing happening again further down the line).

Best of luck!

This are just some of the things that make me not start job hunting and just take a lip of faith and do steemit full time. I couldn't imagine been fired without a warning and most importantly a plan be or perhaps even a back up plan for such unfortunate circumstances. Sad. Hope they get back up.

I imagine it all the time haha. Best to be safe and set up other revenues is

Hehe totally got me! That's great that you weren't the one who lost your job.. Instagram is something i need to get into as well i think i have like 3 or 4 photos on there and that's it.. lol i've just been holding off trying to get it going for ages but i just gotta do it maybe i'll start next week :P

feel free to msg me if you ever need insta tips!

Great video I know someone who that just happened to but instead the business he work for went bankrupt they told him at the least minute

damn, that sucks

To answer your question: Our day = Good! Thank you for asking. Hahaha

Hope you had a good one and it seems like you did - grinding away!

The grind is real. Good on ya!

Total clickbait! I thought this was going to be you announcing yourself as a full time dtuber or something.

Everybody wants me to be fired haha

I knew it wasn't you I knew it was probably click bait.. but I thought there was a chance that MAY BE :P

haha sorry to disappoint

For a sec , I thought it was you...

and yes it was clickbait but one has gotta do that once in a while... I guess