The Burnout Happened Again 😦 | Vlog #142

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

Hey SteemSquad and DTubeNation!

Today was a tiring day indeed.

Have a lovely day and hope you join me on this epic journey #SteemOn

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Background Music by Epidemic Sound

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Vlog #141 - A Different Part Of Melbourne

Vlog #140 - A Big Decision Needs To Be Made

Vlog #139 - We Support Each Other In Different Ways

Vlog #138 - A Wave Of Negativity Hit Me Today

▶️ DTube

Take care of yourself man. Lots of water and make sure you are getting at least 6 hours of sleep (I prefer 8 myself). I got a chuckle with the toilet talk part. Keep that urine clear and poop coming out smoothly. :) The clip you worked on is heading in the right direction. It looks really cool.

Rest, water, diet, add some exercise, Yeah, I agree, these are all good techniques to avoid "The Burnout." My day began with me waiting 2hrs and 45 minutes to upload my video, however, things have turned around and I am finding new-to-me steemians like yourself. Subscribed.

Being burned out after working hard for a longer time is normal and you shouldn't feel bad about it.

Life is all about balance - day & night / male & female / work & rest.

Out of my experience: take the burnout feeling serious and give your body & mind some rest.

All the best!

Thanks bud. Think I gotta chomp on some more fruit and veggies. Too many carbs lately haha

@kevinli I keep telling people making daily content or even a schedule of 3 a week is not easy and shouldn't be taken lightly. I see so many people that only do vlogs... one shot they talk some shit and upload the video done... yes you could do that but the quality of the video will suffer. Making quality daily video is hard! I personally make video content around dance and performing arts and i try do 2-3 videos a week (Dance videos of shows we have done etc)

Like sometimes you just need to forgive yourself if you miss a scheduled date. I see way to many creators beating themselves up about this issue.

PS: I see your a Gary Vee man! So i'm running a weekly contest on DTube where creators can win animations for their channel. Check it out and support by entering. I have only had 2 entries so far and this weeks contest closes Saturday. Check out the post:

Nice! These vlogs are more journal entries rather than content creating. It gives value in a different way :)

No luck getting it to play 😞. But I don't believe @kevinli can burnout, impossible.... 🤣

I have my weaknesses haha

Fatigue after work or burn-out is often the time we experience, when the work is so heavily piled up and physically and mindfully, then resting is the right way.

Yes indeed

Your video legit make me go get some water don't worry about burning out it happens to everyone

For sure, your comment reminded me to drink water now haha

What kind of music thing are you doing? Or is it a surprise ^_^? My day is good, I'm going back to the skate park after school, can't wait.

That's cool. I'm gonna get an electric skateboard soon. Have fun! I don't make music, just using it as backup song

Oh man that's going to be a fun commute to the convenience store! If you live downtown this will help so much!

Hey, that's a great job! We're always on the lookout for video that gets people interested, and our community decided that this one is a winner. We keep making these lists a stopped by to let you know that you're on OneLoveDTube Video Picks of the day!

You can view all of our picks from June 20 here: OneLoveDTube Picks

If you want to find out more about how we support and encourage creators on the platform, please join us on the OneLoveDTube discord server and help share the love!

You don't look like a burned out. You still look good. Just drinks lots of water sir, have time for yourself alone and meditate sometime...God bless and congrats for that upvote from @thejohalfiles!

Sometimes it is nice to take a deep breath and relax brother, keep at it, but remember there is more to life than all work and no play ;) catch up soon brother :)

Only two this year you're doing well, I was averaging one a month for a while, and then I went up to two last month and was like um yeh I really need to stop this right about now XD Everything is related to it, I find after I've burnt out it tends to be when I've prioritised pretty much everything and everyone else above me and keep forgetting to eat and sleep properly. Good times.

Try not to forget to do those things, they're kind of important ;D
