@harshilpatel I do agree with the shallow convos, after a while, you don't even need to think about the routines anymore, it's more like a script ingrained somewhere lols.
I prefer having conversations with the locals than other travellers because of the lack of depth.
"Where are you from" questions tire me out, to be honest.
But for me, it's the adapting to the locals' psyche, as much as it's fun and pumps you up, it gets overwhelming too sometimes, for example, slowness in some places because that's how things are done there, no need to whine but adapt especially when you need things done quickly.
On the flip side, it's part of what makes traveling fun, teaches one to be open-minded.
Don't even get me started on the 'Where you from?' questions. My stomach twists and turns every time someone asks me that now.
But you bring up a very good point. Focusing on adapting to the local's way of life makes traveling way more fullfilling
Yes, it's the only way to grasp the essence of traveling, seeing the world through other peoples' perspectives.