Solo Travel vs Group Travel | Pros + Cons

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

Hey guys,

Today I wanted to share with you some of my own personal pros and cons to solo travelling and group travelling. I don’t have a preference over either but I do believe that everyone should at some point experience travelling alone mostly because it’s an amazing way to deepen your relationship with yourself.

Solo Travelling


  • You’re the boss and you get to decide how your journey unfolds. The thing I enjoyed most about this was it was quite easy to change plans if something unexpectedly presented itself and I felt intuitively pulled towards it.
  • Being alone you have a lot of time to reflect and digest the new information and experiences you get from being on the road.
  • You get to manage your own budget.


  • It can get lonely. Although you make a lot of new friends along the way, you tend to say goodbye just as often.
  • Safety - there’s safety in numbers.

Group Travelling


  • Friends - you’ll always have company.
  • Support in emergencies- there’s a sense of security knowing you have someone in your immediate environment if anything is to happen.
  • Splitting costs - means cheaper expenses.


  • Managing energies and the wants and needs of multiple people.
  • Time management - not everyone may run on similar schedules.
  • Costs - you may have to go without or pay for things out of your budget depending on activities.

I hope some of this information was helpful to anyone who may be contemplating how they’d like to travel.

If you have anything to add please feel free to leave it in the comments!

Biggest love to you | neeQi 🛫

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Everything to the right time. It has Pros and Cons i agree. Ultimately I guess it great to build a few very deep (or one) relationship and share the joys and sorrows of life together... :-)

Most definitely. It’s always amazing to have a companion to share all your experiences with! Thanks for watching. 😊💛!

looking so cute..but i am.sorry dear.because of my. poor network connection.i am not able to see your vedio..♥♥♥

Oh no! It seems lately people have been having trouble watching my videos sometimes. I don’t know if it’s just your internet, it could be dtube. Hopefully ypu can try it again. And thank you! Always so lovely. 😊💛 dear..cutipie..

I'm agree with you meeting new people is always a good feeling but the goodbye time is really hard. xoxo

Most definitely, but sometimes they are the most meaningful goodbyes because of how amazing the friendship is. I try not to say goodbye to the people I met travelling but more like, I’ll see you again soon!!

I got a lot out of this. The only solo travel I've done is to get to a place to visit friends or to work. I've done it a lot, but always stop when I get there, so it's not Travelling, just travelling. One of my enduring memories is of sitting on trains during my army days - heading down to Yorkshire feeling sad and scared as the train pulled out of Glasgow. But then putting on Purple Rain and as as Prince launches into Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life... and I was lifted up. That album is still my favourite travelling music.

I did group travel with two school friends when we were 21 - three months around North America. That was the time of our lives - young and carefree, just a backpack and a two-month unlimited flightpass for Delta. We got time alone on flights, and that was about it. I love looking back on that now, at the age of 46 and feel a little sadness that I don't get to do that kind of thing anymore. I've been on Arran for 10 years now, the longest I've been in one place since I was 16 and I'm itching to leave.

So I really enjoy watching you young whippersnappers getting out there and experiencing life. I really hope that my kids decide to travel too - it's so important and does change you. I can see that clearly at my current age.

I’m glad you were able to take something from this. Honestly my favourite past time when I’m travelling alone is the long trip to wherever I need to go. Train trips are usually my favourite and I put on and listen to really moody music and just imagine I’m in a movie or something hehe.

Sounds like your trip at 21 was worth it! And even better so that you actually went for it. People have a lot of fears around extended travelling but it’s honestly such a beautiful thing to experience. I’ll always owe travelling to bettering my life and now I’m addicted!!

And maybe a small change could be exciting! I mean you don’t have to pack up your life and leave but never say never if something pulls deep down into your being. I hope you’re kids find the inspiration to travel as well!

Great video! I can definitely relate, I spent most of my adult life abroad traveling before meeting @suitcasemama, much of it solo for fun, much of it communal for work. Huge differences and as you say, pros and cons for each. I love having shared memories with colleagues for work and now my wife and our new little family - also someone to help remind me what we did, as my memory is horrible! :)

Travelling solo was special as well - I found myself much more open to one of the best parts of travel - meeting people, especially locals. Sometimes in groups we tend to be pretty insular, focusing on our group plans, not really open to those around us. Traveling solo "forces" you to look outside your bubble a bit more, get over yourself a bit and try something new or practice the local language out of necessity - no one's going to translate for you, so if you need the bathroom, you better figure out how to say it! :)

Anyway, great post - you've earned yourself a new follower, keep it up :)

Honestly if the circumstances presented I’d eventually love to travel with my little created family - I’m quite far from that reality but I think it’s such a beautiful experience to give to your children. But for now I am happy travelling solo and with those I connect with along the way.Thanks for watching @starthere!

And you touch on so many great points as to way travelling solo is so amazing. The biggest thing for me is that it’s helped me find my confidence and put me into a space of accelerated learning which pulls me into the present moment. I really think it’s something that everyone should try at least once!

And thank you so much for being here! 💞

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